How do I split and distribute a CV input signal to two outputs based on probability?

My Venom Bernoulli Switch is expressly designed to route 1 (or 2) input signals to 1 (or 2) output ports based on chance. And it has very flexible polyphony support. The various inputs and parameters make it useful for a huge variety of additional use cases. Be sure to read the documentation

@auretvh and @dan.tilley both touch on the idea of there being countless ways of accomplishing a given task with a limited set of “utility” modules. I created a whole series of patch constructs using only VCV free (formerly fundamental) modules. It was created before many very useful VCV utility modules became available.

I absolutely agree with you - the thousands of available modules is both a blessing and a curse. Having so many choices can easily lead to paralysis.

That is why many experienced patchers recommend the use of a “fixed rack”, where you have a limited set of modules in a fixed layout, and you work with that over an extended period of time, creating many patches. By imposing restrictions, you learn that within those limits is a huge universe of possibilities, and you learn how to patch more creatively and efficiently.

Omri Cohen has a number of YouTube videos discussing this with various fixed racks that he provides.

Imposing limitations is a common strategy used to spark creativity in many of the arts. Song writers often have song prompt challenges. Visual artists might be given a subject and or color palette, etc. I took a poetry creative writing class in college, and the final exam/project was to write a poem using a fixed meter, incorporating a minimum of 5 words from each list of 8 nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Those restrictions led me to my best poem from that class. It is also great fun and instructional/inspirational to see what different people create when given the same restrictions.