How do I get CV to select an array of triggers (or gates)

I want to use a CV to select a trig/gate output (out of say 8 or 16). This is a simple attempt to get midi signals meant for a GM drum set to spark arbitrary events (that I want to use for rhythmical purposes).

I didn’t forsee that this would be difficult, seeing as it only requires the CV to select the output, but I can’t find the right module.

Very grateful for any tips

this is a simple solution but any switch / scanner / router / panner / fader module can be used

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The v/oct (cv) selects the output (random in this case) and the gate opens the gate.


My first solution would be to run my 8 or 16 gate outputs into a CV-addressable switch, such as the Doepfer A-152 in hardware. I think Befaco Muxlicer does it in VCV, but I have never tried. Looks like the Count Modula 16-1 switch might work too.

Grazie! Talvolta, ci vuole una paglia per assimilare queste goccie di saggezza. Sto arrivando, poco a poco, a comprendere il concetto (CV-switches), comunque.

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Thanks! I hadn’t considered using the MIDI ⏵ GATE module, but this is a good trick. In fact, I don’t think I have ever used this module (even though it seems quite straight forward).

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I would sooner have guessed (though, I obviously didn’t) running the gate through a 1-16 switch in stead. Are there some disadvantages I haven’t considered (hard to know what I have considered, but you get it) with this approach?

you need only one module:
the cage

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Gli darò un’occhiata. Ma l’hai fatto stesso? In tal caso, Mitico! Bravo! Stile Buchla allucinante!

Penso che io intendessi Serge piuttosto che Buchla…

With a regular switch, you always have to proceed through the steps in order. With a CV-addressable switch, you can use a sequencer–or keyboard, or any other CV source–to select the steps in any order you choose.

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