I use Count Modula “Triggered Switch 8 to 1” module a lot with great success, but do we not have anything similar with 12 or 16 inputs? For example, I need to have a CV triggerable chromatic scale semitone v/oct switcher that sends the selected v/oct out. I use the Submarine SS-212 chromatic scale module for the semitones I want to source to the swtich, for example. But, it needs to be generic
I’m trying to develop a generic CV to CV mapping “patch” (or selection) that translates between what one module sends out and what another module expects to receive. These are finite state parameters with discrete state values. I have a comparator bank wired up to do the comparison logic and translation.
Of course if someone knows of a module that can do discrete parameter CV value mapping, I would appreciate someone pointing that out to me.
I am having some trouble understanding what you are actually trying to achieve. At the core it sounds like you want to map some incoming fixed CV values to corresponding fixed outgoing CV values?
In that case, maybe some form of transfer function might do the trick. Sample and hold at CV input and/or output as needed. Could be discrete/quantized or continuous.
Or maybe even use a sequencer where you have control over step via CV. Or use a phase drive sequencer (e.g. HetrickCV). That would work for discrete/quantized values only.
The amazing MindMeld Shapemaster multitool can solve many of these sort of cv controlled stepping/mapping problems.
Yes, it is a bit confusing. I am trying to do a mapping of the discrete value CV outputs of one module to the matching discrete value CV inputs of another module. For now I am trying to map the Root output of Meander to the Root input of Harmony. Meander outputs Root as a semitone v/oct in the chromatic scale. Harmony has no Root CV input, so I have to use uMap.
It might be easier to just write a program with Basically, otherwise it takes about 30 modules to do the comparator and switching logic to accomplish the 12 values mapping.
I wrote a @StochasticTelegraph Basically script that easily did the mapping with just one module rather than 30. I will change the topic description.
For the curious, here is a screenshot of BASICally scripts mapping the Meander mode and root outputs to the Squinktronix Harmony mode and root parameters via Stoermelder uMap virtual inputs. No real attempt was made to optimize the two scripts as they are so simple.
The one shortfall here, as mentioned by others here, is that the Stoermelder uMap module in selection files does not preserve the parameter mappings. The good news is that when used in a patch, the mappings are preserved.
I could be wrong, but I think STRIP saves in the patch file rather than in the selection file. Anyway, I cannot create a selection file with STRIP in it and have the mappings loaded when I insert the selection file into a patch. Saving the mappings in the patch works fine, and I think that is what you are seeing above.
Oh I think I see what you’re doing wrong, you have to use strip to save and load the selections. ( and a selection is all touching modules to the left or (in this case) to the right.(of strip)
Did you choose “save as” the last one in the list?