High Sierra no longer compatible? - Solved

I just installed version 2.5.1 on my old computer and I get a message from the operating system that tells me it’s no longer compatible

Version 2.4.1 worked fine, though

Captura de pantalla 2024-04-23 a la(s) 12.37.57

EDIT: macOS is High Sierra (the requirements speak of 10.9, Mavericks)

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oh no i hope this isnt true, can anyone else confirm

no - the PRO works on High Sierra! I have an old machine with 10.13.6 and Pro 2.5.1 starts.

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@avargas Please contact VCV Support if you encounter an issue with VCV Rack. Be sure to include the steps you took so we can reproduce the issue on our own machines.

I installed the wrong version for my processor, people

Support helped me and now it’s all good!


I mistakenly installed the incorrect version for my processor, but customer support assisted me, and now everything is working perfectly!

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That’s almost exactly what he wrote :smiley:


I’d wager this is the primary reason for the new unified Mac installer - cutting down on support.

As I said elsewhere, I think “fat binaries” are the apple preferred way to do things, and it does cut down on support.