Help needed for beta testing

@cosinekitty @baconpaul

Could you help muzio with this ?

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Well, LFN has I think 10 two pole filters in it. So that is the main cpu user. I guess you could call that processing the lfo. In any case, all that uses at least 10 times as much cpu as the output filter. Maybe much more than that. 20x, 50. But yeah, I run everything at reduced sample rate, then “upsample” back up to full rate with a simple filter.

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I finally got it to work, thanks!


I tried to dl the binary, but I get this:


the vcvplugin file is only 6kb big
and I can only dl a txt file for the NLS folder with the dll and json files.

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I am now compiling via GitHub (see above) . I am getting errors there, I am not sure why

Can you try again now? It should work for windows…

The GitHub action is just installed by adding a file to the repo in .github/workflows/build-plugin.yml

The contents of that file will determine on what actions your plugin is built, you can set it up to build on certain tags or version changes etc, but, for example I just have it rebuild on a push, so I make all my changes locally and then only push them up to GitHub when I want it rebuilt

name: Build VCV Rack Plugin
on: [push]

Yes, the command line setup for GitHub can be a little tricky because you will need to get all the auth figured out, it is much easier to just use GitHub desktop and there is nothing inherent to that which would prevent the GitHub action from running on a push that I know of, what makes you say this is not an option?

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Ah! I didn’t know I could change the type of action. I will add the push feature for sure. By default the build-plugin.yml only rebuilds when a new version is pushed. I have figured out the command line setup adding a token in the credential manager so now it works. I am still dealing with compiling errors in Mac and Linux which I am really not sure how to debug. I am new to this kind of work, it will probably take me a few days (weeks?) to have it all run smoothly. Thanks

I am just looking at your repo…

Personally, I have removed the modify-plugin-version: job from the action because I manually update the plugin version, and sometimes i want to rebuild the plugin without changing the version number.

I have also removed the publish: job because my repo is private, but also I don’t necessarily want every build to be published, so i manually create releases when I want them as well.

I can’t tell what exactly the issue is with your build:


So in an effort to be useful, here is my exact workflow (this currently works fine on my private repo, however my plugin has no deps)

name: Build VCV Rack Plugin
on: [push]

  rack-sdk-version: latest
  rack-plugin-toolchain-dir: /home/build/rack-plugin-toolchain

    shell: bash


    name: ${{ matrix.platform }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      options: --user root
        platform: [win-x64, lin-x64]
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: recursive
      - uses: actions/cache@v3
        id: plugin-version-cache
          path: plugin.json
          key: ${{ github.sha }}-${{ github.run_id }}
      - name: Build plugin
        run: |
          pushd ${{ env.rack-plugin-toolchain-dir }}
          make plugin-build-${{ matrix.platform }}
      - name: Upload artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          path: ${{ env.rack-plugin-toolchain-dir }}/plugin-build
          name: ${{ matrix.platform }}

    name: mac
    runs-on: macos-latest
      fail-fast: false
        platform: [x64, arm64]
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: recursive
      - uses: actions/cache@v3
        id: plugin-version-cache
          path: plugin.json
          key: ${{ github.sha }}-${{ github.run_id }}
      - name: Get Rack-SDK
        run: |
          pushd $HOME
          wget -O${{ env.rack-sdk-version }}-mac-${{ matrix.platform }}.zip
      - name: Build plugin
        run: |
          export RACK_DIR=$HOME/Rack-SDK
          export CROSS_COMPILE=$CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET_${{ matrix.platform }}
          make dep
          make dist
      - name: Upload artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          path: dist/*.vcvplugin
          name: mac-${{ matrix.platform }}

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Here were the problems

  1. The repo has a checked in ‘build’ and ‘dist’ directory which stops builds from happening cross platform.
  2. The .gitingore was not configured properly to stop that
  3. The code used the pre-c++11 convention of declaring a function without a return type in a few spots

If you remove build and dist, add a .gitignore, and add ‘void’ before the Foo_process_init declarations it all builds fine with the 241 sdk on my mac

If you then commit all that, push it to your fork, and open a pull request, you get Fix build issues on mac, elsewhere by baconpaul · Pull Request #1 · michelezaccagnini/NLS · GitHub

I would imagine the maintainer will see a button on that pull request which says something like ‘enable actions for this contributor’. If you press that the actions will run and I bet they will work.

If not let em know on GitHub and I can fix that too.


I think your triggers may also be a bit short. The Voltage Standards - VCV Rack Manual suggests 1ms open at least for a trigger signal. Bit hard to tell but I’m not sure I’m getting them all. if I run your trigger into your trigger per gate with a tiny gate I get a different result than if I run into a set of modules using dsp::schmidt trigger type trigger detection.


Great. Yes I was wondering why the triggers would not always work. I will check everything tomorrow. Thanks so much for your help!

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I am having a problem publishing the plugin: all the builds check out but the publishing is not working :thinking:

GitHub release failed with status: 403 · Issue #236 · softprops/action-gh-release · GitHub is one such solution

basically you need to give actions write permissions to your repo.

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to wit:

  contents: write

at the top of your workflow .yml file.

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Everything works now. Thanks again! :pray:

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Great! Good luck with your modules.