Has anyone implemented Timestretch / Pitchshift?

Has anyone implemented Timestretch / Pitchshift?

Or is anyone working on such kind of modules?

Not actively working on it but theoretically interested (my next plugin is likely focused on MIDI).

Are you looking for:

  • open subject area to invest effort in
  • implementation techniques
  • or modules that you can use?

Path Set’s Ice Tray has this for a description:

Speed shifter and tape delay with selective memory. Perform into this and it will never forget your mistakes.

What about some of the modules with the “granular” keyword? Also samplers with V/Oct inputs.

Tonecarver Blur module can do time stretching and pitch shifting.


Receive up to “Length” seconds of audio (10s max), apply Freeze, then modulate Position to scrub through the buffer. Pitch shifting works best within +/- one octave though the module will do more than that if desired.

I don’t know if I understand it correctly, but I think Clouds and its clones have this kind of feature.


I don’t think I ever used it though…

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Panther By @Patheros and @Omri_Cohen has it

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I thought about something like Rubberband that is implemented in Ardour.

Panther Cap is terrific, speed and pitch are separate controls like the granular gods intended.

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I’ve done several time/pitch shifting algos in Pure Data, so got the algorithms ready. The B14. Sampler Rockafella is a decent starting point. ’ But haven’t gotten around trying to build something with loading wav files in VCV yet. I did try to take a short cut a few days ago and asked ChatGPT to write a simple sample for me :innocent:

I did manage to get it down to only a few errors, but didn’t get it working.

Another fairly “famous” time stretch algo is the Paulstretch algo. It’s open source and have been made in PD as well as a VST/AU:

Would be lovely to have module like that for vcv :slight_smile:


+1 on paulstretch for VCV


what exactly is the algorhythm used in @sickozell SickoSampler2?

its a great way to make a highly textured grainy stretched sample

but modulate the stretch too quickly and watch out for the crash

The sickoSampler2 sounds a lot like the Rockafella example from PD.

I don’t think it’s FFT, like the Paul stretch.

@cubistguitar I haven’t noticed any crash on sickoSampler2, thanks for letting me know, I will work on it. The algorithm is nothing special, it simply jumps back n samples to lengthen the duration and jumps forward n samples to shorten the length, with crossfades between the jumps.
This system would like to emulate the operation of the first time-stretch sampling devices of the late 80s

it sounds fabulous and works like the old stretch tools I have used before

so its less granular than it sounds, because as it drops samples it gets very grainy and nice texture

maybe a chaotic mode on the jump backward/forward n sample would get even grainier and less like the source material for closer to grain synth sounds

I love SickoSampler 2 but have had to exclude lately because of the crashes, I typically am messing around with several seconds to several minutes of audio and often too quick a stretch I get into trouble, I will look for old patch and get a crash going to throw out a log.txt

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@sickozell Hey I just had fun with a couple of SickoSampler2 and somehow I induced the crash. I was smoothly modding the v/oct and asking to stretch the sample too, whatta big hurry I’m always in.

here is as copy of the log

log.txt (781.6 KB)

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Sorry, but I see no crashes in this log