I noticed that some modules from the library are unavailable in VCV Rack Free 2.5.2, Manjaro Linux; may it be my system missing something?
(Peter Vos)
July 12, 2024, 11:06am
I saw that here too,
Downloaded the linux file and put into place; gets moved but modules are not appearing…
May there be some visualization thing in VCV Rack, preventing me to see them?
Seeing now that some are greyed out:
CV funk
DHE Modules
Frank Buss
Jasmine & Olive Trees
Sanguine Modules
Sparkette’s Stuff
Are these the same modules ? (looks like it)
EDIT, I just noticed you linked to the same post
EDIT2 : maybe contact support ?
(Paul Dempsey)
July 12, 2024, 3:49pm
Isn’t this what happens when you have another filter set?
Yes, sorry. I was inadvertently posting from another account
No, I didn’t set any filter and they stay like that even when pressing Reset filters
July 12, 2024, 5:52pm
What is your window manager?
I just tested Linux Mint XFCE and Manjaro KDE Plasma, at least my nightlies show up in both (in Manjaro’s case, I checked using both X11 and Wayland).
Perhaps log.txt would offer some insight? I think the common ground for those plugins (if obtained from the Library) is they have been recently built.
Edit: my guess is one of the libraries in your system isn’t up to date.
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Hi there, thanks for checking; I’m using Sway as I’m on a laptop ultra-constrained in resources.
Which log.txt should be checked?
July 12, 2024, 6:12pm
The one for VCV Rack. It’s in your Rack user folder.
log.txt (398.9 KB)
Thanks! The last messages show that the modules are getting “destroyed”
EDIT: also found a
[1.007 warn src/window/Window.cpp:250 errorCallback] GLFW error 65548: Wayland: The platform does not support setting the window position
EDIT 2: I have glfw-3.4-2 installed
July 12, 2024, 6:44pm
The modules getting destroyed is normal, it happens on exit and is part of the life cycle of objects, if they weren’t… that would be a problem: memory leaks.
July 12, 2024, 7:08pm
I can’t get Rack to run under Sway (in fact, trying, breaks my Rack installation); but that’s probably my fault: I didn’t even know Sway even existed until today and it seems it requires a lot of config, that needs a lot of time I don’t have.
However, what is the output of
pacman -Q | grep -i "gcc"
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gcc 14.1.1+r58+gfc9fb69ad62-1
gcc-libs 14.1.1+r58+gfc9fb69ad62-1
July 12, 2024, 7:43pm
The libs are the same I have so, that’s probably not it.
Is it possible to try a different WM? XFCE is lightweight as well.
The reason I’m asking is because I downloaded the Library versions of 2 plugins that also don’t work for you (Biset and CV Funk) and they work fine for me as well. Looking at my log I don’t get the GLFW error and it strikes me as curious “The platform does not support setting the window position”, that may or may not have to do with how Sway handles windows; your GPU seems recent (it’s a Vega one, according to the log), so I don’t think that’s the culprit, nor GLFW, also I’m running Manjaro using VirtualBox, the maximum VRAM it allows is 128 megs.
Did you download rack binary or build from source?
With surge in arch we had the problem that from source rack with from library surge we’re incompatible and had to use the binary of rack with the binary library of surge or build both.
If you use the pre built rack binary this is almost definitely not the problem
@baconpaul I have the AUR version, not built by me.
@Bloodbat I’ll think how to try XFCE; this hardware is a bit strange, it gave me various drivers issues as it was a (touchscreen) Chromebook.
CPU: AMD Athlon Silver 3050C with Radeon Graphics (2) @ 2.
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series
July 12, 2024, 8:13pm
Harping on what baconpaul said… I am using the version downloaded from vcvrack.com , that may help with the issue. Maybe worth a try before trying a different WM.
If that doesn’t help and you want to try XFCE, I think the WM should work: you already have some form of desktop working (it should be, after install, only a matter of switching sessions in the login screen).
Manjaro has an XFCE package collection ready to go in their package manager, it’s one of the desktops they offer as isos as well.
the aur vcvrack-bin or aur vcvrack?
the aur vcvrack non binary used to do a build which is incompatible with surge, at least.
opened 10:52PM - 17 Jul 22 UTC
### Why should we package VCV Rack plugins?
- By default, a user needs to sign … up for the [VCV Library](https://library.vcvrack.com) in order to download and install 3rd party plugins. This may not be possible or desirable for all users.
- Not all plugins provide pre-built binaries.
- We can easily build plugins for aarch64, ~which is not officially supported yet by VCV~ (now supported)
- A user can install many plugins by simply typing `pacman -S vcvrack-plugins`.
### Plugins
This list is mostly copied from [VCV Library](https://library.vcvrack.com/plugins?query=&sort=name&license=open), Cardinal [sources](https://github.com/DISTRHO/Cardinal/blob/main/.gitmodules) and [wiki](https://github.com/DISTRHO/Cardinal/wiki/Possible-modules-to-include). [WIP](https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+label%3Apackage) and Done are ticked off.
- [x] [21kHz](https://github.com/netboy3/21kHz-rack-plugins)
- [ ] [23volts](https://github.com/23volts/23volts-vcv)
- 23volts/23volts-vcv#42
- [ ] [3HR](https://github.com/Geekachuqt/3HR)
- Geekachuqt/3HR#4
- [x] [8Mode](https://github.com/8Mode/8Mode-VCV_Modules)
- 2.0.0 is tagged as 2.0
- [x] [AaronStatic](https://github.com/aaronstatic/AaronStatic_modules)
- 2.0.0 is tagged as 2.0
- [ ] [Admiral](https://github.com/wapiflapi/admiral)
- wapiflapi/admiral#6
- [ ] [Agave](https://github.com/jatinchowdhury18/Agave)
- jatinchowdhury18/Agave#1
- [x] [Ahornberg](https://github.com/Ahornberg/Ahornberg-VCV-Modules)
- [x] [alefsbits](https://github.com/alefnull/alefsbits)
- alefnull/alefsbits#1
- [ ] [AlgoritmArte](https://github.com/algoritmarte/AlgoritmarteVCVPlugin)
- no v2 release (has a v2 branch though)
- [x] [Alikins](https://github.com/alikins/Alikins-rack-plugins)
- [x] [AlliewayAudio_Freebies](https://github.com/AlliewayAudio/AlliewayAudio_Freebies)
- [x] [AmalgamatedHarmonics](https://github.com/jhoar/AmalgamatedHarmonics)
- [ ] [AnimatedCircuits](https://github.com/AnimatedCircuits/RackModules)
- AnimatedCircuits/RackModules#9
- [ ] [aP](https://github.com/aptrn/aP-Modules)
- no v2 release
- [ ] [ArableInstruments](https://github.com/adbrant/ArableInstruments)
- adbrant/ArableInstruments#22
- [ ] [AriaSalvatrice](https://github.com/AriaSalvatrice/AriaModules)
- no v2 release
- [fork with v2 support](https://github.com/Ahornberg/AriaModules)
- need to check if we can use the original name
- needs quickjs library
- [x] [aridacity](https://github.com/cubeleco/aridacityVCV)
- [ ] [arjo-modules](https://github.com/ArjoNagelhout/arjo_modules)
- missing plugin.json, no v2 release
- [ ] [AS](https://github.com/AScustomWorks/AS)
- AScustomWorks/AS#63
- needs logo/graphics clearance
- [ ] [Atelier](https://github.com/Xenakios/Atelier)
- copyrighted panel graphics
- [ ] [AudibleInstruments](https://github.com/VCVRack/AudibleInstruments)
- VCVRack/AudibleInstruments#119
- copyrighted panel graphics
- [ ] [AuntyLangtons](https://github.com/64MM4-KN1F3/AuntyLangtons-FREE)
- no v2 release
- [ ] [AuraAudio](https://github.com/emurray2/auraaudio-vcv-rack)
- [ ] [Autinn](https://github.com/NikolaiVChr/Autinn)
- [x] [Axioma](https://github.com/kauewerner/Axioma)
- kauewerner/Axioma#5
- [ ] [az](https://github.com/azrrik/az-vcv)
- [ ] [BaconMusic](https://github.com/baconpaul/BaconPlugs/)
- [ ] [Bark](https://github.com/Coirt/Bark)
- Coirt/Bark#38
- BSD 4-clause (NC)
- [x] [Bastl](https://github.com/hemmer/bastl-vcv)
- hemmer/bastl-vcv#1
- [ ] [Befaco](https://github.com/VCVRack/Befaco)
- includes NC and copyrighted graphics
- [ ] [Bidoo](https://github.com/sebastien-bouffier/Bidoo)
- has glfw as submodule?
- includes NC-licensed graphics
- [ ] [BogaudioModules](https://github.com/bogaudio/BogaudioModules)
- [ ] [Bokontep](https://github.com/bokontep/BokontepByteBeatMachine)
- no v2 release
- [ ] [CaptainsSounds](https://github.com/captainssounds/vcv-CaptainsSounds)
- captainssounds/vcv-CaptainsSounds#41
- [ ] [captvolt](https://github.com/cnvogelg/captvolt-vcv)
- [ ] [CastleRocktronics](https://github.com/KieranPringle/CastleRocktronics)
- no v2 release
- [ ] [CatroBlanco](https://github.com/catronomix/catro-blanco)
- no v2 release
- [ ] [CatroModulo](https://github.com/catronomix/catro-modulo)
- catronomix/catro-modulo#27
- [ ] [cf](https://github.com/cfoulc/cf)
- needs to tag v2.0.2 (last: 2.0.1) (cfoulc/cf#48)
- [ ] [CharredDesert](https://github.com/SVModular/CharredDesert)
- includes NC license for some graphics
- [ ] [ChipTuner](https://github.com/The-Great-Assyr/Chiptuner)
- no v2 release
- [ ] [ChordController](https://github.com/wilsontr/ChordController)
- no v2 release
- [ ] [ChortlingHamster](https://github.com/chortlinghamster/modules)
- [ ] [ChowDSP](https://github.com/jatinchowdhury18/ChowDSP-VCV)
- [ ] [CircleFade](https://github.com/max-circlefade/Circlefade)
- no v2 release
- [ ] [Coffee](https://github.com/CoffeeVCV/CoffeeVCV)
- CoffeeVCV/CoffeeVCV#16
- [x] [CollectionOne](https://github.com/scanner-darkly/vcv-collection-one)
- [ ] [comfortzone](https://github.com/hampa/comfortzone)
- hampa/comfortzone#4
- [x] [computerscare](https://github.com/freddyz/computerscare-vcv-modules)
- [ ] [CountModula](https://github.com/countmodula/VCVRackPlugins)
- countmodula/VCVRackPlugins#95
- [x] [cvly](https://github.com/Lyqst/cvly-modules)
- [ ] [ESeries](https://github.com/VCVRack/ESeries)
- copyrighted graphics
- [ ] [FehlerFabrik](https://github.com/RCameron93/FehlerFabrik)
- RCameron93/FehlerFabrik#19
- [x] [FreeSurface](https://github.com/freesurfacemodules/FreeSurface)
- [x] [GoodSheperd](https://github.com/jensschulze/GoodSheperd)
- [ ] [GrandeModular](https://github.com/dbgrande/GrandeModular)
- dbgrande/GrandeModular#7
- [ ] [ImpromptuModular](https://github.com/MarcBoule/ImpromptuModular)
- includes some copyrighted and NC-licensed work
- [ ] [JW-Modules](https://github.com/jeremywen/JW-Modules)
- [ ] [MindMeldModular](https://github.com/MarcBoule/MindMeldModular)
- [ ] [rackwindows](https://github.com/n0jo/rackwindows)
- no v2 version
- [fork with v2 support](https://github.com/Ahornberg/rackwindows)
- [ ] [SickoCV](https://github.com/sickozell/SickoCV)
- [x] [SonusModular](https://gitlab.com/sonusdept/sonusmodular)
- [ ] [Surge XT](https://github.com/surge-synthesizer/surge-rack)
- [ ] [ZZC](https://github.com/zezic/ZZC)
- copyrighted logo and NC-licensed graphics
- [x] [ZetaCarinae](https://github.com/mhampton/ZetaCarinaeModules)
Didn’t know about AUR problems… I’m using now the version downloaded from the website, but still the modules are grayed out.
@Bloodbat will let you know about the XFCE trial.
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