Gate between two triggers

Hi everyone, I was looking for something that I thought was very simple but I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for : I’m just looking for a module like VCV Push, where you can send a trigger to “hold” and it output a gate as long as another trigger is sent, or something very basic that send either 0V or 10V when you trigg it… But I have a lot to use in a specific patch, and I was wondering if the same kind of module existed but with like 8 or more trigger inputs and as many gate outputs. Does anyone knows if this kind of “multi push” exists ?

Thanks a lot !

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Not sure if I understand the question but perhaps the Submarine FF-212 might be what you’re looking for? VCV Library - Submarine FF-212

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Use the TGL out


As above, use flip or flop, it has a reset.

Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks !