fundamental sync question

Hi, I try to sync a seq3 with an LFO and also two LFOs using the CLK ins/outs with multiplications of the CLK pulse. In order to reset them I’m using a PULSE module trig - but the modules don’t seem to sync. What am I doing wrong? Sorry I can’t upload an image / patch yet as I’m new.

Do you mean something like this? I’m not sure what you could be doing wrong, they sync for me. What multiplications are you using (I assume you mean the LFO speeds)?

The Fundamental LFO’s are inacurrate (too fast) - I have mailed VCV, Andrew replied that he will increase the precision. (if that’s what you mean by “in sync”)

Here’s 3 LFO’s set to 0.1 Hz - the period should be 10000 ms. Fundamental is -12.5 ms off.

thanks for the replies. scenario 1 (top row) using seq3 and LFO

scenarios 2 (bottom row) two LFOs

very much like clock dividers

so maybe I’ll use other modules then if the fundamental ones are inaccurate

I’m not sure i understand what you’re looking for

Here, I have set the freq on lfo to 2x - reset and clock are wired together.

I’m new but is it at some point possible to upload audio files and vcv patches?

I try to daisy chain 2 SEQ3 for a 16 step sequence, but it doesn’t sound right. I also used the other LFOs and changed their Pulse Width to short triggers without success. I am still confused about when exactly the sequence should change from the 1st to the 2nd SEQ3.

Your second LFO needs to be reset I think. Put a reset into both LFOs and the SEQ3s from the Pulses.

I use the falling edge of the last SEQ step GATE to increment the Sequential Switch - the cable adds 1 sample, the first gate may be little shorter - but that’s how I do it, when I’m too lazy to measure the timings. This method can be used for slow clocks OK i think - for faster clocks, use rising edge of last step + a sample delay, to get it “just right”, and switch just before the beginning of the first step.

(set SEQ-3 to “clock passthrough”)

16 step 6CV + 2 gate setup:

4xSEQ3.vcvs (23.4 KB)