Today I released an EP made in VCV Rack, and while I usually make noise and similar things, this EP is not that. What it is, though, I don’t really know.
I was inspired by Pan Sonic, Aphex Twin, and Mr Oizo.
The drums are various samples played from Nysthi QuadSimpler going into various chains, 4ms Pitch Shift was used frequently. Also used Valley Plateau frequently, and Vult’s filters are always my first choice (along with SquinkyLabs Stairway). Entrian Drummer was used for drum sequencing.
Frequency Harmony’s Box of Revelation proved to be a lot of fun to use in this context, and part of its name even helped name one of the tracks.
Here’s a full list of modules (though some are obviously in the patches several times):
- Despite external xonsequence
- 4ms Freeverb, PitchShift
- AS Delay Plus Stereo Fx
- Bogaudio EQ
- Entrian Drummer
- Imprompt: Clkd
- MindMeld ShapeMaster Pro
- NYSTHI QuadSimpler
- Squinky Labs F2, Mixer-8
- Surge XT FM3 VCO
- Valley Plateau
- VCV Delay, VCA, Host FX
- Vult Vortex, Knock
- Pattern-based box culture
- 4ms PitchShift
- Befaco Mixer
- Blamsoft XFX Reverb
- Entrian Drummer
- Frequency Domain Box of Revelation
- Impromptu Clkd
- MindMeld ShapeMaster Pro
- mscHack OSC 3 Channel, Step Delay
- Squinky Labs Mixer-8
- Valley Plateau
- VCV SEQ 3, Sequential Switch 4 to 1, VCA
- Hinges of Un
- Alright Devices Zzzorb
- Befaco Mixer, Noise Plethora, Octaves
- HetrickCV Random Gates
- Impromptu Clkd
- MindMeld ShapeMaster Pro
- mscHack Step Delay
- NANO Modules FONT
- Squinky Labs Mixer-8
- Valley Plateau
- VCV Quantizer, SEQ 3, Sequential Switch 4 to 1, VCA, Host FX
- Venom Wave Folder
- Global dramatics
- AS Reverb Fx
- Befaco Mixer, Octaves
- Bogaudio EQ, SLEW
- Entrian Drummer
- Free Surface WaterTable
- Frequency Domain Box of Revelation
- Frozen Wasteland Formal Dinner
- Impromptu Clkd, PhraseSeq32
- JW-Modules AbcdSeq
- MindMeld ShapeMaster Pro
- MUS-X Delay
- NYSTHI QuadSimpler
- Squinky Labs Mixer-8
- Valley Plateau
- VCV Compressor, Host FX, VCA
(I will continue to add my albums using VCV Rack in this thread, but will space the posts out a bit as to not spam)