Friedrichs Audio "Graphs"

I meant to ask what he meant about “real” resonance :upside_down_face: Sounds very snake oily.

I do have Spikes, but never use it as a filter. I think there are better modules for that. For very snappy envelopes though, I think it’s ace.

i have hardware modulars and when i started using vcv less than 2 years ago i thought that filters were a weak point within the Rack environment. Vults were nice but i started with the free versions which were good but i wasnt overly impressed with them until i upgraded to the premium versions.

now we are starting to see more quality filter options like Oxidlab and Slime Child that are also high quality, but it does seem like there was a time when filter modules needed improvement and resonance was one of the things i thought didnt come close to analog when i first started with vcv and honestly i still feel that way about digital vs analog filters in general.

this is not meant to be agrumentative. purely subjective but even though Friedrichs may have gone about making his argument the wrong way (i dont know what was said), he may have had a valid point. if he was singling out Vults work then he was wrong for that 100%. on the other hand, if he was trying to make the point that filter modules could use improvement then i think that could have been a valid discussion but apparently he went about it the wrong way.

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I respect your commitment to making sure that our community is inclusive and welcoming. I agree that we don’t want this to be the kind of place where one wrong word can result in someone being driven out by the online equivalent of an angry mod of villagers with pitchforks and torches. Forgiveness is an important part of community - but so is accountability.

More than one person has testified in more than one way that this person violated the norms of this community (both formal and informal) and behaved badly. I think it’s important to believe them. If someone does engage in behaviors that are harmful to the community, the onus is upon them to make amends. Rationalizing problematic behavior (especially when we weren’t around to actually hear what was said) goes beyond being generous and welcoming and actually undermines important ways in which a community protects itself from abuse.

You are clearly satisfied that this developer’s past behavior doesn’t constitute a reason not to buy their modules and you are satisfied with your purchase. That’s your decision to make and a perfectly valid calculus. Given the same facts, other people are inclined to make different, equally valid decisions, such as choosing not to support this developer’s work. It doesn’t seem particularly valuable to continue deliberations beyond this point. It seems to me that the most likely outcome, considering the dynamics of the conversation so far, would be a further escalation of tensions. I think we can agree that isn’t the desired result.


9 posts were split to a new topic: Vult Free vs Premium

i do understand what you are saying and also respect a good conversation that stays within the community guidelines. we are all entitled to our own opinions.

that being said i would disagree that im satisfied with the developers past behavior, i just know it was regarding 1 module years ago and he has since partially rectified the situation by not only changing the name but also the design so that it is no longer a direct clone. as far as him being “banished” or banned from the library it doesnt look like that was accurate. Andrew himself stated that the dev never asked to distribute through the library and has since made the module acceptible if he choses to do so in the future. so that seemed like slander. and like @pgatt said, many devs have benefited from making modules similar to or the same as eurorack counterparts. we can throw Buchla and Serge in there as well. so then it basically comes down to Friedrichs behavior. should he make amends? it would be nice. im not one to tell others how to handle their situations. its their choice. but i am one to give a second chance in most cases and not hold a grudge over a single offense. again, with that being said, i dont know how obnoxious his attitude was when he was here on the forum. all i know is his current modules that i have, East of Easel and Graphs, are quite nice, dont violate any guidelines and i enjoy using them. does there really need to be more to it than that? do we really need to delve into past politics and essentially blacklist devs over 1 mistake?


I had forgotten about the “true resonance” statement :slight_smile:

I have released a new filter model with, you know, the false resonance. Still, I’m proud of my technical achievements with this new filter. It is quite accurate and efficient so go and fetch the Nitrous.


I’ve recently discovered ALL modules are false!

I know this because when I move my fingers over the screen, I can’t feel any buttons or knobs, even though they “look like” they’re there!! This level of deception is TRULY shocking.



That was funny bro :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@friedrichsaudio do you have plans to port Graphs/Spikes to Rack 2??

Just got an email saying Spikes was updated.

but it fails to load on Rack 2 Pro with missing manifest error

Hopefully it will be corrected soon :slight_smile:

Weird, it seems to be working fine for me.

not here on win 10, rest is fine

Yeah, I’m on win10, too.

I’m not even seeing it in my library, restarted a couple times and nothing. I’m also on Windows 10 right now.

all Friedrichs Modules work, I just updated the Linux build against the latest SDK and send them to Matthew

It works here with Rack Pro 2 on Windows. If you’re running into issues make sure you’re copying only the .vcvplugin file for your specific OS and placing it in your Rack 2\Plugins\ folder. Do not copy the entire Floats folder into your Rack 2\Plugins\ folder. Only the plugin file for your operating system.

redownloaded and now works. zip I had then seemed fine day before yesterday…

Got it to work, I had put all the files in a separate folder instead of the root of the plugin directory.