Sorry, this post is a bit of a ramble…
As I have a new module waiting to be released, hopefully soon, and I hope/expect it to be my most popular creation yet, I wanted to do a little research to see if it is possible to validate that in any way.
I compiled a very quick list of all the free plugins listed in the library today, and I can see that my plugin is currently 128th on that list:
Although, I am not sure if the “Popularity” is an incremental counter or a live subscriber count (ie. if a user unsubscribes does this number reduce?) @Vortico could you confirm please?
Ideally I’ll find the time to recompile this list and do it using a script so that I can also include the age of each plugin and its last updated time, as I think this is quite interesting data.
For example, the top 10 plugins are fairly predictable, all are 6 years old (this is why I question if the popularity is an incremental counter). 4 of them have not been updated in 2 years, 1 has not been updated in 1 year, 1 was updated 4 months ago, 1 was updated 1 month ago, 2 were updated 25 days ago and 1 was updated 18 days ago.
Potentially also the version number gives a fuzzy indication of the amount of updates a plugin receives. This seems more accurate for the older plugins:
Ultimately, I’m not sure I can really gain any insights from this popularity data, there are so many factors that may or may not affect it. For example, @Omri_Cohen has enough subscribers that, a single video featuring a particular plugin has the potential to shoot that plugin up the list
I would be interested in other developers thoughts on this, but as the dev of a free plugin, I find that I really don’t get very much user feedback at all, positive or negative.
I mean, sure, here on the forum I have a release thread and there are comments in it. But my plugin is supposed to have thousands of users according to its popularity data. Not once have I ever received an email or other type of communication about my modules. Do they look good? Do they provide useful functionality? Do they sound good? Are there any bugs? Are they missing features? Do they suck?
The most feedback I have is a few YouTube comments on my demo videos… I update my plugin quite often, is that good or bad in users eyes?
Maybe my plugin just hasn’t hit the big leagues yet, so I better shamelessly plug it at every opportunity…
I would really love to have some sort of resource that makes this type of data more accessible and more reliable. An API to library data, for example would be cool. But I think probably it has to be a 3rd party solution, a community run website & database for plugin reviews, feedback, comments, votes, etc… thoughts? (The main issue there is that running any sort of website with dynamic data and a userbase is going to cost money for hosting…)