Currently dreaming of a module that has up to 16 fixed voltage outs (like Nysthi “Fixed Voltages”) with Hz and LFO equivalent read out (like Alikins “Specific Value”) but with a nice preset interface bolted on (like Stoermelder Transit), and separate outs for VCO and LFO, the last one with divisions and multiples.
Does such a module or something that achieves a similar result exist already ?
Considering to even code it myself but I have 0 background. Can anyone see this achieved in say 2 weeks of learning to code inside VCV API or how ever is done maybe with help from chat GTP ? I rather avoid doing this on my own if anyone is keen to collaborate.
Can you not just look up the voltages you need and save your own presets for the Nysthi module?
Making a module that outputs fixed voltages, i would consider to be very simple, and actually would be a good first project to get into coding VCV plugins.
I am slightly confused though when you mention VCO and LFO outputs, do you mean the fixed voltage is for a VCO volt/oct input and the LFO is a divided version?
If not, a module with 16 antialiased VCO outputs and 16 LFO outputs would be a significant challenge, and I wouldn’t recommend that as a project to a new coder.
Hi Dan thanks for your insights I might have a go at it then !
I am slightly confused though when you mention VCO and LFO outputs, do you mean the fixed voltage is for a VCO volt/oct input and the LFO is a divided version?
Exactly, like feeding a 384Hz equivalent voltage (0.553603V) into an LFO and getting a perfectly synched LFO wave output of equivalent Hz (2.935493Hz). With option to further subdivide or multiply (like switching the octave up or down, for 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 or x2 x3 speeds etc, hope that makes sense)
Have you looked at Bogaudio Polycon? That can output up to 16 fixed voltages. If you stick the output into the FM input of any polyphonic LFO, that will give you 16 LFO outputs, same with any poly VCO.
That module from bog audio is a start but for me is very important to have the display stating the Hz being output like the alikins specific value does.
A 16 channel specific value with w 2x per chnl one with octave switcher would be awesome…
Polycon16 with a few more tweaks as above would also be amazing.