Started off just wanting to see what one new thing did…
For some reason, the Sanguine modules and DanT were grayed out in the list until I added Stoermelder’s “MB” to the patch. When they came back (after furiously uninstalling and reinstalling various releases and beta builds) I played around with converting some old DX7 patches I had to use in Funes. Then the rest followed on from there, until I swapped in “Wygonium ORBsq Vi” at the last moment, and I like the results better than what I was doing prior to that.
Anyway, it’s colder than I like here, so I’m off to dig blankets out of storage.
This started life as an over-complicated sequencer. I thought I could have two tempo-locked LFOs at different divisions or multiplications of the tempo, and then drive a slew and compare the outputs, clocking when one was higher than the other. After a LOT of tinkering and failing to do what I intended, or even understand what I was doing, I got down to this. Then I started replacing sounds until I decided it was bearable. And that’s this.
Nice piece.
If I understand your aim, this little module is actually very good for that, and I use it regularly:
Allows you to very easily go: I want a trigger on every 3rd, 4th, 7th and 11th beat. Great for rhythm stuff. Small demo:
1pattern-demo.vcv (4.0 KB)
That’s a cool module, but what I was trying to do, and still might, is to use ZZC’s FN-3 with two divided clocks, and then sum the results. If the resulting wave was above some arbitrary limit, notes would sound. I might yet try it as an experiment if my life calms down a bit.
This turned out interesting. Though I think I still have the key-change mechanic wrong. Oh well, I can work it out later.
I found some chords scribbled on a scrap of paper on my desk, then it all went weird for a few hours.
I know I’m a little sleep-deprived today, but I swear I can hear human voices talking in this. Is that real or am I imagining it? If it is real, what is doing it?
Well there is a patch section labeled “Voices”, and it includes a port of the Music Thing Modular Radio Music module - a sampler. I presume it is playing audio files of the voices.
Hi Dave! Good to see you back online…
Ah, I saw the Voices section, and I saw a module there, but I couldn’t quite make out any of the text on it at 720p resolution. Thanks.
Aw, I was about to tell him he was imagining things. People ruin all my fun.
They are all samples found here. I keep saying I’m going to find or make other ones, but I never do. Anyway, thanks for listening, though you might better have had some sleep instead, from the sound of it.
I would have believed you too!
Working out a few more things I hadn’t understood before, but I caught an awful cold in the middle of working on this, so I’m posting it then going back to bed.
Wonderful patch!
There are definitely some nasty bugs out in the wild right now! My wife and I were each taken out for a (different) day by a horrible GI bug while we were in Ireland to celebrate our 35th anniversary. One day each in bed, and then a good week to get back to normal. Yuck! Despite that, the trip was still great!
I was fine until I started digging around through a storage space (I knew we had a roll of Teflon tape, and I wasn’t about t buy another).
I finally got rid of my rented storage when I realized I had paid 10k over 10 years to store 5k worth of stuff.