Eurorack Modules You Want in VCV Rack

Squinky Labs Substitute is a copy of the Subharmonicon VCO section. Oh, and Booty Shifter is a copy of the Moog/Bode frequency shifter. Oh, and Saws is a very close recreation of the Roland Super Saw.


How could I betray Squinky like that :C no idea how I forgot about those

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A few Eurorack modules I used to have, that I’d like to see live again in VCV :smiley:

there’s been some suggestion of Makenoise coming for a fairly long time but still no sign that I can remember.

Well, after the you-know-what event I seriously doubt Make Noise is ever coming to VCV Rack.

I’d definitely spam-email Scott Jaeger for those sweet sweet harsh noisemaker modules, though.

The you-know-what event?

Well, there was a copy of Make noise Maths in an unofficial release, related to VCV Rack, let’s say it didn’t end pleasantly!!

I‘d love to see AJH Synth’s Multi Burst Envelopes.


Likely a joke on the inability to copyright or patent “maths”?

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grids is from mutable instruments, not intellijel.

System 80 Jove :slight_smile:

There is more Make Noise around than people may recognise. dBiz has an X-Pan, and Simpliciter gives you the functionality of Mophagene.


Is there a ‘fractal sequencer’ module that works like the Qu-Bit Bloom?

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At a very rough level, that is what my PurrSoftware Meander plugin/module does. It uses “fractal Brownian motion” to generate harmony, melody and bass, with infinitely evolving sequences of each.

Meander is great, but unless I’ve been using it wrong I don’t think you can feed it a pre-existing sequence and have it branch from and back towards it.

You are right. It is only similar at a rough level. You could do this in the original Meander for Window application. The original had an unlimited page editable 16 step mini-sequencer with patch file save and load. The same for a 16 step, 12 voice drum sequencer.

Some of Aria’s modules for Rack V1 did some similar things, but they are not available for V2.

The thing is the hardware is so ‘hands on’ that I don’t know if it would actually be worth it to get a software version though maybe it’d be fine provided there was some MIDI controller that could be mapped to work it. That’s my next thing to investigate- decent hardware controllers. I think Faderfox is favourite right now.

Cheers for confirmation about the functionality, thought I’d missed something.

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If I didn’t have my trusty BCR2K/BCF2K (still going strong since 2005) I would definitely go Faderfox. Too many modern Midi controllers can only be used with a (USB) host. Behringer announced the replacement BCR32, which I (and many others!) would/will buy in an instant, nearly two years ago. That will come with the Zaquencer built in, which is an incredibly playable 4 track sequencer.

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I thought I saw one the other day, implementing the fractal concept, but now I can’t find it. I have the Qu-Bit Bloom. It’s a capable and interesting sequencer that wouldn’t be very hard to implement in Rack. It has some flaws that could easily be fixed in a Rack implementation, it would be a great project for someone.