
Hi everyone! Does anybody know to make an envelope with two outputs: one is standard, the second is inverted? Both outputs are unipolar positive.

If it’s important the envelopes are in sync, run the red cable though an attenuator too (set to x1). Each cable in the path adds a delay of one sample.


With fewer modules:


Even fewer modules (1) :


exactly what I wanted to propose!!!

I had it in 5 modules !


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I can do MORE… :smile:

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I mean as in Korg ms-20

No idea what "as in Korg ms20 mean if it’s not “unipolar and positive” in the sense that everybody understood, but you could try to subtract the envelope’s out to the gate value, it looks like that with an ADSR :

I just saw that the labels on the ms10 and ms20 are different, it looks like one goes under zero. I’ll give it a try

afbeelding You mean this ?

yes I mean the last row of your picture

both the ms10 and the ms20 have 2 outputs for the EG, but the drawing looks different to me, I’ll plug them tomorrow morning in the ES-9 and see what happens (original ms10 vs k-2 behringer, then if somebody could do that in a real ms20…even better).

maybe they behave the same way

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in the ms-10 the reversed output of the envelope generator is not unipolar, as I remembered :broccoli:

potentiometers H=0 A=0 D=0 R=0

with S=100%

and this is with S=50%

of course it is possible to emulate this behaviour in VCV Rack, but I don’t know if there is an existing one doing something like this.

this afternoon I’ll give the behr k-2 a try

the ms-20 as you know has 2 envelopes, the 1st one is a DELAY/ATTACK/RELEASE and we have both regular and reversed output

eg1 regular D=0 A=0 R=0

eg1 regular D=0 A=50% R=50%

eg1 reversed D=0 A=0 R=0

eg1 reversed D=0 A=50% R=50%

the second one (HADSR) in its regular way is connected internally, and only the reversed output is avaliable on the patch panel

env2 (reversed) pots HADR=0% S=100%

env2 (reversed) pots HADR=0% S=50%

so, my synth memory is still available :smiley: none of them are unipolar :sunglasses:

@dfin-91 I think I’ve got it, it’s not exactly the same behaviour, but this is modular buddy: you can be as creative as you want

when you press your key the first envelope starts, when you release the key the second envelope starts

@Vortico I don’t know if it would be possible to have a (polyphonic) “note off” signal straight form the MIDI>CV module…it would be very nice

from left to right: a gate signal, a zero fixed voltage, a logic module, a trig to gate converter, 2 envelopes, 2 mixers with attenuverters, the first one for the positive envelope and the second one for the negative one

cheers :broccoli: Alessandro

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Has vcv rack got a source code?

Yes, it does: