Entrian Sequencers released: Timeline, Melody, and Drummer

Timeline’s clock or reset is off by a step after today’s update.


Is there anyway I can go back to 1.1.19?

Gah, you’re right, sorry - I’ll fix that for the next release. Meanwhile, Right-click / Delete is your friend…

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Could you give me a bit more information, ideally a patch that demonstrates the problem? It’s not something I’m seeing…


Hi, I know this is an old thread but I’ve just bought the Drummer sequencer. I am probably being dense but i can’t figure out how to map the 10 channels to pads on my midi controller for recording into the timeline. I know i can use the number keys on the keyboard but using the pads would be cool. Thanks!

23Volts Multimap (the 16 switch/trigger version)

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Awesome, thank you!

I’ve just bought the Entrian Sequencers, mostly for the Melody module. It’s saving my butt for a wind-up music box sound effects project for a theatrical production (the music box goes nuts, at times, being slightly haunted.). Something that mystifies me though, is how the editors are different from each other.

By that I mean things like not being able to copy and paste selected notes (“phrases”?) in the Melody editor, even though it has “Copy phrase” and “Paste phrase” buttons. I ended up having to copy everything and pasting it into the Timeline editor. No problem there, (Except not being able to place it precisely the first time and having to shift it afterwards.) Did I miss something? I could not find anything about it on Entrian Sequencers: VCV Rack Plugin - Entrian Audio .

Being able to slide either end of the horizontal or vertical scroll thingies is very handy, once you get used to it. :+1:

You should be able to copy and paste a selection of notes by dragging a rectangle around them, pressing Ctrl+C, and then pressing Ctrl+V to paste. Is that not working for you, or have I misunderstood what you’re trying to do?

The “Copy phrase” / “Paste phrase” commands are for the entire phrase - if you copy your phrase, you can then paste it into a different phrase (selected from the “Current phrase” dropdown) or paste it into Timeline as a new clip.

By the way, I’m delighted by the idea that my software is playing a haunted music box in a theatre!


Well, that’s strange. Just now, Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V was working for me on this Ubuntu system, so I opened up the MacBook, which was where I noted the difficulty. I thought maybe it was a Ctrl vs Cmd key confusion thing, since I am more likely to reach for the Command key out of habit. As it turned out, both Ctrl or Cmd worked for copying and pasting selections of notes. For that reason it should have been harder to mess up on the MacBook.

I was pretty sure I tried all combinations of keys and button-clicking, but I guess not. :roll_eyes: I also think at times I might have been conflating the words “phrase”, “clip”, and “selection of notes” (which, when copied, goes to the “clipboard”, according to general use of the term). I’m still fuzzy about the distinction between “phrase” and “clip” in the manual. Are these conventional terms from the world of DAWs?

I think I also figured out the precision of the placement of pasted selections. It appears to quantize the start of the pasted selection to the nearest side (to the left OR right) of whatever step the cursor is in, and without transposing it. Does that sound right? If so, I’d call it a misfeature, especially if you’re zoomed out, and the spot (or width of the location, rather) you are aiming at is very small. If I had a choice in the matter I would want it always to go to the left side. That doubles the size of the target to click at without making it any less precise.

[ edit - I just realized that no, it doesn’t double. The target is the same width, but I think it’s easier to aim for the approximate middle of the space between two vertical lines than to avoid it. Somehow, aiming for the dividing line just doesn’t feel right. :thinking: Maybe it comes from decades of clicking at text-entry boxes when filling out online forms, like Google search. You never aim for the edge of the box.]

Oh, and I just discovered that if you change the “steps per beat” between copying and pasting, it gives interesting yet predictable results for the placement of every note later than the first one(s). That could make for interesting rhythms and/or time signature changes. And I mean that in a good way.

“Clip” vs. “Clipboard” - confusing! A “Clip” is a collection of notes on a track, so in the main Timeline view, that’s the rectangular boxes. If you’re using Melody, there is only one track and one clip that fills it. There’s isn’t really a difference between Phrase and Clip, except that Clip kind of implies that there are lots of them and you can move them around, so Melody calls its thing a Phrase instead.

Yes, pasting a selection will paste at the quantisation point that’s nearest to the mouse cursor. That seems natural to me.

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Hi, sorry if this was already answered, but I couldn’t find any answer to my problem. It’s about ratcheting in the melody sequencer. Is there a way to do TD-style ratcheting in the Melody sequencer? It can be done in the drum sequencer, but I couldn’t find any option in Melody. I would have to draw manually 2 or 3 notes with 1/2 or 1/3 of the original length, which is not really practical. Did I miss the option? Thanks

Sorry, no, there’s no ratcheting in the melody sequencer.

If you’d like to raise it as a feature request, please use the issue tracker here: GitHub - EntrianAudio/Rack

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