Entangled Voltages – sequenced function generator

Well, if a step is disabled it is skipped, so, if you enable three steps on the first sequence, and five steps on the second one, it’s a different number of steps indeed.

OK, we are almost there ))) The last one for clarification: (citing again) “CLK knob sets the length of the steps (they are of the same length)” - IMO if you make “skip steps”, their’s length is still the same as for “busy steps” and anyway the total time of both seqs have to be the same too…

I’ll have to work on my definitions. :sweat_smile: So:

  1. each step length is the same in the default mode (no entanglement);
  2. setting the different number of steps in the sequences changes their total lengths (different lengths both in number of steps and in seconds);
  3. enabling entanglement mode “fits” one sequence’s total length in seconds into another sequence’s total length in seconds (and it doesn’t matter how many steps the sequences have).

As they say in one known country (translating in English)…“I read and thought long and hard”… ))

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I’ve decided to continue working on the module. A rough sketch is below, but it will definitely change.


great :+1:

I feel like the logic is a bit less convoluted now. :slight_smile: Also, now you can set the max level of each AD envelope! I’ll post the files later.


Entangled Voltages 2.1.10 macOS download link

Entangled Voltages 2.1.10 Win download link

I fixed the mess with note measures.

