Encoders on Push 2 sending gate and pitch.

When I touch the encoders on the Push 2 it triggers the gate, I can see it light up and see the envelope trigger. For as long as I hold my finger on the encoder it will remain in the sustain phase, when I let up it goes into release. The encoders are clearly sending V/OCT too, because the pitch escalates as I go down the row, but the V/OCT doesn’t light up. The pitch is one octave below the lowest octave the Push can play (C-2). I can drop the oscillator pitch to 11.5hz to confirm this and it makes the pitch pulse ~2 seconds apart from each other. If I turn the oscillator pitch up high I get tones.

I have some rough idea that Ableton uses MIDI data below the C-2 register to relay the fact the encoders are being touched and transmit which one is being selected without it being turned first. So with that as a possible cause, is there a way to filter out the range of C-3 MIDI data with tools available within VCV or is this something that development could look at addressing? Both would be best.


Try looking at the data using a midi monitor like:

extract from the Ableton Push2 docs - see link below for the full text.

2.9. Encoders
The encoders, when turned, send the following MIDI control change messages:

Turn Right: 10110000 0nnnnnnn 00xxxxxx        [10110000 = 0xB0 = 176]
Turn Left:  10110000 0nnnnnnn 01yyyyyy
The controller number nnnnnnn (0…​127) corresponds to the encoder.

The value 0xxxxxx or 1yyyyyy gives the amount of accumulated movement since the last message. The faster you move, the higher the value.

The value is given as a 7 bit relative value encoded in two’s complement. 0xxxxxx indicates a movement to the right, with decimal values from 1 to 63 (in practice, values above 20 are unlikely). 1yyyyyy means movement to the left, with decimal values from 127 to 64.

The total step count sent for a 360° turn is approx. 210, except for the detented tempo encoder, where one turn is 18 steps.

When touched or released, the encoders send note on messages with velocity 127 or 0.

Encoder Touched:  10010000 0nnnnnnn 01111111        [10010000 = 0x90 = 144]
Encoder Released: 10010000 0nnnnnnn 00000000
The note number nnnnnnn (0…​127) corresponds to the encoder.

source: https://github.com/Ableton/push-interface/blob/master/doc/AbletonPush2MIDIDisplayInterface.asc#Encoders

I’m not sure, but maybe one of the Kilpatrick modules can be used - there’s a module that splits vMIDI in L/R with regards to a specific note value.

There’s AFAIK no midi filtering capabilities in other VCV Rack modules. I haven’t had any indication that this I something VCV is going to touch (in depth support for a specific controller).


VCV - Support is the correct method to contact the VCV Rack developers.

I don’t know if this is the best way to do it, and I haven’t tested with push 2…

  1. Use an Ableton instrument Rack. Put a VCV Rack VST3 in it.
  2. Use the macro knobs - they are automatically assigned to the push2 encoders. (Ableton: Show macro controls, top left in the instrument rack).
  3. Map the parameters in VCV (Ableton: left arrow left of “VCV Rack 2” ) (click each of 8 vult KNOBS).
  4. Map the parameters to the macro knobs. (Ableton: MAP in Instrument Rack, click parameter, then “MAP” under the macro knob you want mapped to that parameter)

(I guess “Instrument Rack” takes care of the filtering)

I’m calling this a bust. MIDI Monitor shows that the encoders send an on note from 0-7. The Push pads start at 36. I have tried a few modules that transpose CV, as suggested in another thread from years ago relating to the same issue, in general. Remap MIDI notes

CV transposition can’t stop the 0-7 on notes. Ableton can filter MIDI keys in the chain selector, but thats not the on note values. A MFL device could probably do it, but that’s beyond my scope. I’m surprised this isn’t an issue someone else has brought up, with Push being so widespread. I get the Devs position of not addressing controllers.

I have other places to map MIDI to, the only unfortunate part is they dont have a display with the parameter name listed. Not the biggest issue in the world, I think this thread documented the issue well enough. Thank you for the quick response and input, I am sure I will be using MIDI monitor in the future. This seems like a great community to be a part of.