I have questions about the signal path and some of the controls and settings, in particular the VCO-1 in LF mode.
1 - On VCO-1 the KBD OFF/LF setting turns VCO-1 into an LFO. The User Manual says “If this is set to AUDIO KYBD OFF, VCO-1 is disconnected from the keyboard CV, and will oscillate as an LFO. You can use this signal to modulate VCO-2 or as an audio source for sound effects.”
Under the VCO-2 there are two switches with a setting for the modulation source can be selected as ‘LFO’ - in the FM Modulation section and in the Pulse Width Modulation section. I have seen videos which seem to show that these are modulated by the LFO in the 4th panel, not by VCO-1 in LFO mode.
Is one or both of these in fact selecting the VCO-1 in LF mode?
2 - When VCO-1 is in LF mode, bypassing the keyboard input, is it still subject to the Portamento, Transpose and Proportional Pitch Controls?
3 - When VCO-1 is in LF mode, is it a square wave or saw?