do we have a crossfader like this in vcvrack yet!?

do we have a crossfader like this in vcvrack yet!?

this is a new free one for Live:

video of how it works here.

thank you!

Yes - Venom Poly Fade crossfades between up to 16 channels of a polyphonic input. All channels share one common set of envelope controls that are also CV controllable. The output is summed to a monophonic output, plus there is a separate poly output. The channel envelopes are also available in another poly output.

The crossfade position can be controlled by an internal LFO (saw wave phasor), or via any external phasor, or a combination of both.


I use this one too, only four channels but it gives you visual feedback on the inputs and is also polyphonic. I like mixing different VCOs together to make polyphonic ‘vector synthesis’ style pads, and also fading between poly fx. Poly Fade is great too!


Not really the same but I’ve used an 8-to-1 sequential switch followed by a slew limiter. Use case is I’d like to fade between polyphonic cables that have 5 channels each. I don’t think Dave’s Poly Fade addresses that use case (please please correct me if I’m wrong!).

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I like SCANNER by HetrickCV …

… and PULSARS by GeoDesics.

PULSARS (bottom half) can also fade one source between two of as many eight outputs. If you feed a square wave to the ROTATION input, it becomes a conventional sequential switch with no crossfades.

If I recall correctly, PULSARS cannot blend more than two inputs simultaneously, but the WIDTH and SLOPE knobs in SCANNER let you spread it out over more (all eight if you want) or fewer inputs.

PULSARS is polyphonic, but I don’t think SCANNER is.

I used SCANNER in this patch to feed a polyphonic CV to the VCA: