Dedicated Stereo Widener Plugin needed with Multi-band support and selectable crossovers and outputs

Hmm. I appreciate the screen shot but that’s simply a search on ‘polyphonic’.

I’m saying the rare poly modules take a poly signal on a CV input and apply it 1:1 channel by channel to the poly main IN signal. As opposed to simply applying the first channel of the poly CV input to all channels of the poly IN signal.

All of my polyphonic Venom modules (which is almost all Venom modules) can have the output polyphony count be driven by any of the poly capable CV inputs. All poly capable inputs patched with mono cables replicate the mono to match the polyphony count. Polyphonic inputs with fewer channels get 0V for the missing channels.

Some of the VCV modules do the same, for example - VCA, Logic.

And many many other brands have modules with multiple poly inputs, though often times only one input determines the poly count, with extra channels at other inputs being ignored. I think Bogaudio has some modules with a context menu option to choose which input drives the polyphony count.

Yes, and your modules are very much appreciated!

There seem to be a lot of different approaches, but your method is arguably the most useful. I was pleased to see that the venerable Computerscare Toly Pools just added a context menu that “fixes” the module, or at least gives different methods.

Then there’s Chinenual’s Poly Sort which is absurdly useful – but if you give it a mismatched poly count you get 16 channels of NaN. Actually scratch that, I just tested and it works fine, so either it was updated or I’m misremembering. Well, there’s some module that did or does that behavior.

One thing I do frequently is use your HQ module as CV in a bandpass or notch filter with clones of the same audio to do something like feed just those harmonics to a reverb.

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