Dark Theme Rack (Legal Fundamental Module Fork possible?)

100% agree - creates quite a few design issues and limitations if the background is the darkest element.

You guys are totally right. I forgot to revert my change from pitch black to slightly dark. normally my background sits around #090909 and first elevation level at #131313 that’s the panel. Some others might chosse #202020 as first elevation. +/1 I had this for years, but I do prefer #131313 now. That’s why themes should be configurable


not bad. I do think the blue on black knobs is a little “ugly”, don’t know if I’d want to release this, but it’s sure practical for what you are looking for btw: I’ve stopped using labels for static text on newer modules, but it’s still in older ones. And in places where they text changes it’s still labels.

If you like, I iterate over the design again and create a proper dark theme according to your requirements, if you consider adding them.

Hi … I once modified the Fundamental modules panel for fun, but I didn’t make a copy of the original panel … where would I be able to download them again?


yes. simply delete the fundamental plugin folder from your Rack folder (or whatever plugin you want to download again)


ahaaaa … I tried it but I didn’t delete the whole Fundamental folder, and then RACK didn’t start either … So thank you for the clarification …

Wow they do look good!

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Hi Aria … your modules are beautiful as well as they are! it’s your beautiful handwriting … it’s a pity Darius can’t be reliably reset - the first step of the sequencer still remains active … I tried various clocks, and even Impromt clocks didn’t help with zero value on the output when it is not running. I know that there will probably not be another update, but this would still be very worth fixing. It’s a simple sequencer but a great algorithm! I also want it in VCV2 :wink: :v:

That dark chronoblob looks fantastic. @AlrightDevices , maybe for V2?

(post deleted by author)

You are going to make few if any developer friends by these types of posts.


please respect the work of others,
no need to be rude here

if you like some other UI you can contact the developer personally
and ask if you can provide another UI

else you can just thank anyone who contributes to the library
that you can use so many free modules


We just got a dark theme in Rack 2.3.0

But it’s for the background not the modules…


And when combined with existing “Room brightness” view setting, some very nice effective global panel themes can be set up per the users preferences.


that’s not a darktheme. At best a failed attempt at takling the problem. The ONLY correct way to do it would be a) to implement a very easy patch for letting the user define color themes, and b) create an interface for UI components to implement dynamic changes. Or at least just implement 2 views a dark and a light. The argument that plugin providers don’t need to feel the presure to do that doesn’t really count as you a could always fall back to a simple system provied blank background, b just use the light panels and dim them (not the rest of the interface). And last but not least let the community help out on the open source plugins. After all I bet there were much gain, that developers jumping of the train to not support it. Having said that the easies implementation would probably to just patch a dark theme into rack and offer a local dimming dark room filter just for the backdrop and/or the other graphics

To be precise this is not critique to you presonally but a missed chance on the ecosystem to adapt to some propper dark theming.