DanTModules New Releases Thread

ah, maybe I missed that one. Will retest…

I love how this industrial cowbell looks in a rack. Keep em coming! Thanks again.

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Love the cowbell, of course it is a synth and much more than just a cowbell, and display is just a blast ! Got a fun patch started with 2 patched up and it’s a keeper!

Love this aesthetic and the whole concept of physical modeling with a twist. Now spill the beans on the rest of the Neon- Oblique modules to come. Again, many thanks for this wonderful module.

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Fantastic art for the cowbell, good use of midjourney, I know just what you mean, it’s quite an interesting effort to get something good from it, but this is terrific!

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I attempted to use Midjourney for my TAPS module, but the main thing I got from it was the idea of red knobs from a particular series of images, and then I finished doing the design on my own. However I’ve made four album covers now with it, it’s very hard to get something that doesn’t look like AI generation, but it’s really rewarding when you end up with an idea that is a mixture of what you were going for and a pleasant surprise.

Hah… well, not much to spill at the moment.

The main other contender right now is Little Pig, which is intended to be a guitar style distortion that simulates guitar amp feedback, but I am not happy with how it works or sounds yet, so its not really ready to be included

I did some MidJourney experiments for this quite awhile ago, I think this one would maybe just have some module elements created via AI rather than the whole panel

There is some other cruft around in the back of my mind too, but its difficult to coalesce, for example I have this panel that I created for a module I named Aspect Projector, but I can’t remember what the module was supposed to actually do…

And looking back in my notebook I can see ideas for WAVULIKE V2, with better wave shaping controls, possibly bezier stuff,

something I name Girth for faux stereo width,

something called Trike that looks like a 3 channel sequencer but with some global offset and rng controls,

some sort of band pass filter but with effects that are applied only inside the bands,

an oscillator that is created from sets of stairs (that would probably have extreme aliasing),

a module that has triple buffers that can be played back at different speeds and mixed together,

a really vague idea about a module to do with entropy, wish I could remember what i was thinking for this one,

and finally, the most likely idea I would try to progress, Sloompler is a sample & loop module, a mix between a sequencer and sample & hold, where each step can be fixed or taken from an input…

Too many ideas and not enough time to implement them


Hello there! I am playing with the cowbell in these days and I have to say it’s freaking funny! I will release a video, sooner or later where I will squeeze and torture your module! :laughing:

In the meanwhile, tho, I think I have to tell you that when the module it’s running and the preset is not BELL HIT but any other preset, if I try to switch to that preset, the module make a raspy noise and then it beeeeeeeeps and I have to initialise it. At that point it seems that no matter what, the preset BELL HIT seems to “break” any cowbell module that there is in the patch. I send you the patch I used to test it so maybe you can replicate this thing.

Apart that, I’ll say it again, great stuff! Also, I totally love the picture/video post! Feels like a real addicting thing as well, but for now I prefer to remain on the cowbell!

Have a great week!

dant_cowbell_demo.vcv (4.1 KB)

I will take a look…

On the subject of changing presets, that is currently one area where you may need to use the Panic button regularly, because unlike the randomise function, there isn’t a way that I know of in code to hook an action on to the preset load event.

When the randomise function is used, there is an override function that allows me to automatically call the panic action and clear the buffers, but I can’t do this for preset load, so loading any preset right now can often cause some nasty feedback.

Not sure if or how this would be affecting multiple instances, but like I said, i’ll take a look…

Preset load is nothing more than a call to dataFromJson where the json comes from the saved preset file.

So, any code you need would be added to that function. Sounds like you need to suspend processing or do some init any time that is happening.

I’ve had to add ‘dirty’ logic to dataFromJson so that my UI can detect when settings have changed due to preset loading. In dataFromJson, I set a modified flag that the ModuleWidget checks in it’s step() override, does what it needs to compute and clears the flag.

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all of these idea seem very fun and inspiring to a musicians modular mind

being a guitarists that fell in love with VCV I am excited hear about a distortion that can emulate amp feedback, I love my little Digitech Freq Out, a very unique and wonderful feedbacker, I am sure it is just sampling and control of harmonics and granular smear, but very musical and useful

I love the magic of mid side type processing, it feels like a bit of wizardry to me to be able push certain frequencies around in the stereo field, not sure that is part of Girth but I love the name

Love the idea of the 3 channel sequencer with offset, special points if it has polyphonic output I can split down the chain and EOC makes a lot of madness possible in my patches

And sampling with sequencing as part of the module sounds very exciting to me, sample and hold is my jam and bringing it right into the sequencer/sampler is perfect concept for modular toys

And the artwork can take these to another level, I already remember what all the knobs and inputs do on the cowbell because it unlike the setup of any other module, and the sounds are fun and inspire some creative thinking, but so does the graphic presentation

thanks for your fine work you have so graciously made available to this community

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Great idea, I should be able to implement that without too much difficulty, thanks!


Cheap plug for my obvious attempt at getting some free UGC: Submit your preset for MOAR COWBELL!

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Hmm, looks like it creates the low thrumming sound of a sexually mature alien plant.


The one with the small yellow flowers ?

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How come you know so much about sexually mature alien plant??? :grin:


This happen when the module is working. If the module have no input, everything is just fine. Anyway, ok, gotcha. I’m not sure the Panic button work, tho: once the feedback has started, the only way to make it stop is to initialize (CTRL+I) the whole module. Today is not a good day to test it again since I’m about to go to the hospital and I don’t really know when I’ll be back but as soon as I’ll be home again I will try it again, it’s very possible my memory is playing trick on me.

Hhhmmmm, I can’t get this to work, I added logs to both the onRandomize and dataFromJson overrides, the randomise log message appears as expected in the log.txt file, but the dataFromJson one never appears, for module loading, for preset loading, for anything, what am I missing?


Its quite strange, the dataToJson gets called correctly when the patch is saved or autosaved, but the dataFromJson doesnt seem to ever get called, the preset does get loaded though, and the module correctly restores its state when closing and reopening Rack. Is it possible this is an issue with the Rack code?

edit 2

Ok, I think the issue is that my module doesn’t actually have any data to save to or from JSON, overriding paramsFromJson works as long as I call the super VCV Rack API: rack::engine::Module Struct Reference

For me this corrects any feedback on preset loading, so should be good for the next update now :nerd_face:


You can override dataFromJson to do stuff on preset loading, even if you don’t actually have anything to deserialize. Although. you might need to write something in dataToJson anyway to ensure the data element gets created, so that rack knows you’re interested. I think there’s a cryptic comment in the API about getting called “when there’s a data element”, which seems to make some sense now.

I am still obsessed with MidJourney, use it most days. I have been testing out some new ideas for Neon-Oblique panels…

What do you think this module sounds like?

PS: new version of the plugin will be submitted this weekend, be sure to post a preset if you want it included Submit your preset for MOAR COWBELL!