DanT.Synth Noodles

Thank you Dan, much appreciated. I’ll have a good play around with it.

Turdus merula.vcv (7.6 KB)

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sillybugfix.vcv (5.5 KB)

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Been messing around with my hardware modular this evening

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Cool track!! And love the bouncing cables :smiley:. Genius!!

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Nice demo! I’m not sure Pam’s does anything we can’t already do, but it does seem convenient to have all that functionality in one module.

Yeah, in VCV its value is greatly diminished (we can already do all these things and rack space is not at a premium so the form factor is not a benefit), but on the hardware side I’ve had this on my wishlist for a long time.

However, I got this for a number of reasons; new modules breed new creativity, support Eurorack companies that I like, support VCV by getting commercial modules…

But for me the main reason is being able to understand if the module is something I want in my hardware rack, I’ll gladly spend ~£16.40 to find out if a module that costs ~£260 is something that I would find valuable and useful.

there absolutely are things Pam’s neatly puts on a display instead of them being buried at the bottom of a messy drawer in separate pieces, so to speak. So it’s much more likely that I will do something with them. Win.

Yep absolutely, I’m not disagreeing with any of that. I don’t use hardware modular, but if I ever decided to get ‘real Eurorack’ I’d probably buy the virtual Pam’s and learn it before getting the hardware module. So it’s great that’s it’s available. I’ll probably get the MFX FX at some point too, because I can never have too many effects.

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This is the style tuner: https://tuner.midjourney.com/ptYbHsb

and here are a few of the images I generated in MJ for the imagine module:


Love the creative thinking about how to exploit Imagine!

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