DanT: Purfenator

also one feedback piece.(fairly trivial but since we came this far)

there seems to be a shadow drawn on the right side of modules. im not sure if there is a way to fix that but i thought i’d point it out in case you could find one. :slight_smile:

Thanks dan! loving this thing.

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This is one of the limitations of the splitting algorithm I have implemented, if you want the scope without empty space below it, that whole row needs to be empty and vertical splitting needs to be enabled.

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That is the shadow of the module itself, and it gets drawn on top of the skiff and backdrop because the widget I have inserted is below all the modules. So unfortunately, I don’t think there is anything I can do about this.

I have made a feature request to @Vortico to have a Rack setting that disables all the module shadows, but I am just one user, so if you really want this resolved, more users will need to request this Rack feature.

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+1 feature request :slight_smile:

Combining multiskiff Purfenator with stoermelder GOTO is awesome.

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:money_mouth_face: post us a video

Cheers Dan, this is awesome! Here’s some holiday ambience with a picture of a beach in Spain as the background:

I don’t get the chance do mess about with Rack a lot on holiday, but made this fairly quickly using resampled VCV sounds into Pigments. You can probably tell it’s a quick effort, but the background looks nice :wink:


Yes, the background looks wonderful and your patch sounds very good too. DanT has done a great job. Hopefully we can find your patch on Patchstorage. Happy Holidays.

Thanks, happy holidays and new year! I usually share my patches, but this one really wouldn’t make any sense. There are no VCV modules making sound. Even if you have the Host module and Pigments, you would need the .wav files and Pigments patches too, which I would have to upload separately. You can have the sequencing part, but it’s really basic - just 3 outputs from Seq-3 merged into a poly cable for chords, then driven by random clock divisions.

What I’m planning to do instead is make a tutorial on sampling VCV and I’ll share the sampling patches, or maybe just stick the loops up on Google Drive or something. You can try loading the .wav’s into any sampler of your choice, either in VCV or a DAW. It’s a technique I really enjoy using.


Thank you for all the experiments you have done this last year. Looking forward to another year of your experiments. The samples would be very welcome as well, Much appreciated.

Ady I’ve DM’d you instead of hijacking Dan’s thread :wink:

Love this amazing module. Purfenator makes it so easy to add cool visuals to VCV Rack. It’s nice to use whether I ever record the patch or not. Well done Dan and many thanks for all the updates to include community feedback.

In this patch I used stoermelder 8Face to cycle Purfenator’s images. Other parameters could be animated this way. Or use Seizure Trigger.

I found I was missing VCV’s power rail image in the blank spaces. Dan kindly added alpha control to the inner skiff color so we can get whatever is in the BG showing through open spaces. But I like VCV’s power rail visual so I exported it from Inkscape as a .png and loaded it in with computerscare Custom Blank. Custom Blank has the ability play animated .gifs, so I took it a step further and the glowing, pulsing power rail was born.


Two small updates for the February beta:

  • Fixed a bug that caused shadow softness not to be saved
  • Made Purfenator & Seizure Trigger panels merge when correctly connected

I 'ave an 'umble request.

Can you give it a name that shows up in the Library view? I can never for the life of me remember the name “Purfenator” nor the plugin until I see it, and I go “oh yeah - that’s it”.

I even tried filtering for “visual” and “utility” but it just looks like yet-another-blank-module, so my eyes skim right past it.

I should be able to add some custom text to the panel just for the browser that will help, its on the todo list.

Something like this…

Just labeling it “Purfenator” in the Library browser will do the job just fine because I recognize it (and remember what it does) once I see it.

Could this module ever do video, or is that not possible? If not, I’ll have a look at using animated GIFs. Cheers!

I just use the NanoVG API that Rack includes, here is a reference:

There isnt anything specific for video that I can see, so I would have to use some lib to implement video, i think it is probably out of scope for this module, but never say never

In the meantime, if you want video combined with VCV then chromakey is easy and only needs free software

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Thanks, I’ll have a look at that!