CV signals give noises

hello everyone, i’m trying for the first time to integrate VCV with my Eurorack trough ES3 and ES6, using Cubase 14 on a Macbook pro M1 with RME UFX audio card. The problem is that i get a noise, a glitch, with a square lfo, or an SHN, or any modulation that has a step… i dont get any noise when i use a sinewave for example… only with stepped modulations like square lfo or SNH. This is how i set it up: i open VCV rack as vst, i activate all outputs and i assign the 8 outputs to the 8 ADAT outputs. Then i open an lfo square and i send to one of the ADAT out I receive the signal on my ES3 and it works, but i also get a noise on every step of the lfo. I tried muting the ADAT channel from the audio card mixer but then i also mute the CV signal. How can i get the CV to work without having the noise? i try to record and it record the noise also so i just cant use it like this… Any idea of how to avoid this noise coming from any stepped modulation? Btw i also tried the silent way plugins, but they also do noises on stepped modulation… there must be something im doing wrong… Any clue?

to avoid it just put a slew limiter at minimum settings between the modulating and the modulated module. try different ones, it should work but I can’t say it’s a solution without hearing the sound/noise or having the patch and comparing with other systems

Thanks for your reply, i tried the slew limiter solution, and i can (partially) avoid the noise but it affects the cv signal as well… i mean, if i have a sample n hold and i pass it from the slew limiter, rising the fall untill i dont hear the click anymore, the cv modify and is not a sample n hold anymore… if i explained myselfe

I know, but with this one with both Rise and Fall at 0 it should not affect the signal that much, of course we are not trying to have it glide

Thats the one i tried, the befaco slew limiter with rise and fall at 0. I feed a SnH from AudibleInstruments Utilities and it does help a bit but the noise its still there :frowning:

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It seems like a very uncommon issue, i dont see anyone talking about this so im thinking it might be a setup step im missing or something with my setup particularly i guess

so, i tried to do the same thing on bitwig but i also get the same result… clicking on stepped modulations :frowning: i guess is something to do with my audio card at this point

i found the solution… my ADAT channels was routed to the master out. All good now