CV Gate Switch or Drum Roll

I’m trying to get a simple drum roll setup where it rolls only when I hold the midi pad down, and I can’t seem to figure it out.

As you can see in this example, holding the midi pad (when the PUSH button is white) works as a toggle for the Count Modula CV switch instead of a gate:

How can I get it so it rolls when I’m holding the midi pad down as a gate instead of a toggle? 240508-cv_switch_or_drum_roll-01.vcv (1.9 KB)

Maybe use a switch that does not latch?

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I’ll use a VCA to gate gates sometimes, just to have something easy to grab from the library, and the little visual is a fun side effect:

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Use the voltage controlled switch instead of SW2. Pop the gate output of the push button into the CV input and whenever the gate is high, the 2nd input will be selected.


Aha, that did the trick. I missed it when doing a search, thanks for pointing it out!

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This works as well, thanks for the suggestion!


Use a voltage-controlled switch instead of SW2. Connect the push button gate output to the CV input. Whenever the gate is high, the second input will be selected.

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That’s almost exactly what he said :smiley:

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