Hi I have started recording and sharing a little thru YouTube the past several months.
I have been having some fun, especially testing out the lovely Path Set module Glass shard still in Beta. I will share these patches here too, thanks for looking or liking or subscribing. Some of these things turn into songs that might be found in forceghost songs found on all the streaming platforms.
Nice. Liked and subscribed, cheers!
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I really like how you put all this stuff in one patch, yet everything is crisp and clear, nothing steps on or drowns out anything else, and it all just works. It’s a great combination of complexity and restraint. Oh, and it’s a lot of fun to watch all the blinking lights! Very cool! I hope you will continue to publish your creations.
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Thank you. I really love to add one more thing and then one more thing. And then just a couple things. Oh yeah and maybe a sample or three. And another drum kit for the B section.
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I love this! So much fun…
I have to report however that my cats got scared around 2:40 
Sorry about the cats, I have none to test on beforehand. Dog doesn’t care as long as it doesn’t sound like thunder or fireworks.