In the attached VCV, I have a question about the Gate in this Count Modula sequencer.
The Gate never goes down between two steps where the Gate is selected… If there’s something I don’t understand?
There is 1 gate and 1 trigger output which can be selected via the individual step buttons. The trigger outputs follow the pulse width of the clock signal, and the gate outputs stay high for the duration of any selected step. Selecting the gate output for two consecutive steps results in a single gate signal for the duration of both steps. Note that the CV outputs will still change for each step even though the gate does not.
So, just adding to what @Yeager wrote: To separate the gates of consecutive steps, you can use the sequencer’s ‘Trig’ output and change the pulse width of the clock to control gate length.
I addition, I read his manual, and didn’t see this notes. Count Modula is one of the different manuals I read often, juste to discover modules I don’t know! Oups.
I’ll try this way to get the clock signal through the sequencer…
Thanks again! Alain