Could not load patch: Unarchiver could not read data from archive: Truncated tar archive

Hi there, I’ve had trouble on a couple of occasions now opening patches created by my students, and get the follow error message:

Could not load patch: Unarchiver could not read data from archive: Truncated tar archive

I can’t find reference to this specific problem on the VCV Forum, though it seems there have been problems relating to Unarchiver in the past.

Any help greatly appreciated!

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Came here to post this, happened on 2.4.1 and persists after updating to 2.5.1. macOS, Pro version, both the x64 and ARM64 builds. It happens with all patches being shared by one friend. He is using 2.4.1 Windows. If I share a patch with him and he edits and saves it, it will open correctly, but not if the patch file originates from his computer.

One other oddity about these that I notice is that if I manually unarchive the patch files originating from his Windows machine that it has macOS meta files in it already, .DS_Store, as well as a ._ and modules/._############## files whose contents look like some Mac OS X metadata attributes.

total 48
drwxr-xr-x@    6 derek  staff     192 Apr 21 14:41 .
drwx------@ 4451 derek  staff  142432 Apr 21 14:40 ..
-rw-r--r--@    1 derek  staff    6148 Apr 20 11:30 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--@    1 derek  staff     210 Apr 19 19:51 ._
drwxr-xr-x@    3 derek  staff      96 Apr 20 11:30 modules
-rw-r--r--@    1 derek  staff    9130 Apr 20 11:45 patch.json

total 8
drwxr-xr-x@ 3 derek  staff   96 Apr 20 11:30 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 6 derek  staff  192 Apr 21 14:41 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 derek  staff  210 Apr 20 11:30 ._818180526328593
derek at The-Professor:~/Downloads/patcheroo → cat ._
Mac OS X        	2??ATTR??*?*$       %     

Those files do not exist on manually unarchived patches that start on macOS.

Interesting, if I remove those macOS metadata files, and manually archive the .vcv file, it loads fine. They seem to definitely be the culprit, so the question I suppose is are they supposed to be there for some reason, and if so, why are they being written into my friend’s patch files that he is creating on Windows?

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Workaround / solution:

The user who is generating patches that won’t extract needs to delete their old user data directory and make a new empty/starter template on a local disk. New patches should then be fine. This appears to be an external issue; we suspect that OneDrive might be involved as at one point that was where he was storing his user data and patches.

For existing patches, you’ll have to unarchive, manually remove the hidden files, and rearchive as mentioned above.

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That’s an interesting one. It seems like the patchfile code in Rack that excludes macOS metadata only does that on macOS, but really it should do it on all platforms because it can creep in anyway. You should drop a note to about it.