Clock showing as half the BPM when syn'd from external sequencer


I’m having a play with VCV today and attempting to use my external Hapax sequencer to set the clock.

On my Hapax I have it set to 110BPM, but on VV it shows as half the BPM (55)

If I speed up or slow down the BPM from the Hapax or hit stop/start VCV responds, but the BPM on Clocked never changes, what am I getting wrong here?


do you have an audio interface in your patch? I think you need one.

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Did you try different mode(s) ?

Both Clocked and Midi-CV ?

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No audio interface in my patch.

Yeah I tried the different dividers too in Clocked only, sorry I thought I put that in my post, but clearly missed that important part off :D. I didn’t think to try in Midi-CV too, I’ll try that too when I get home.

Would I need to use any additional cables?

Also see chapter 16.3. Sync output of the manual.


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you need one

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That’s kind of what I was suggesting, too :wink:

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What audio interface would you recommend?

This one