This was based on another discussion about how to sync to live audio. I recorded someone speaking French on shortwave radio, and then fed that into an envelope follower.
Then I used Random Gates to split this clock signal derived from the recording to different sounds. You’ll notice the synths and the drums never hit on top of each other. You’ll also notice that it’s super, super random.
It’s held together a bit by having sequencers driving the bass synth and chord sound, so even if the rhythm is wonky, the music repeats the same patterns, just unstuck in time a bit.
The ‘performance’ is using channel mutes in the mixer to bring sounds in and out, and changing 8Face presets covering the synth voices & drum ‘sequence.’
I have to listen hard to hear how the rhythm of the French dude talking is related to everything it’s triggering. Mostly I used the Nysthi CLOCK MULT DIV on the triggers from the envelope follower to multiply the clocks.
This is really a dirty trick because CLOCK MULT DIV derives the current BPM from the triggers on input. When this is driven by a French guy blathering on, the BPM jumps around spastically and I can’t even analyze if the subdivided triggers are spaced between the incoming triggers properly.
It comes down to what @synthi programmed in for BPM detection and how he implemented the clock multiplier. Suffice it to say it’s a bit chaotic.
2023-05-22.vcv (24.5 KB)