I think I never used this module before, but I chained two ShapeMasters to each other using a trigger on the eight channel of each one to stop itself and start the other one. This way I can send CV from channel 1, for example, to control a parameter of other module, and when channel 8 reaches the end switch it to channel 1 of the second ShapeMaster.
I’m doing this because I need more than the 30 minutes limit to modulate certain modules in a project.
However, I was taking the chance to try to chain more than 2 ShapeMasters and I can’t reach a solution. It’s probably not very hard, but I don’t really know what I’m missing. I’m trying to solve this using 4->1 and 1->4 switches.
Yeah Frozen Wasteland’s slow LFO is super cool, however I want complex CV signals to mix different tracks during a long period of time, like a timeline for their volume, so I need something that opens up more possibilites.