Can't send OSC messages to VCV running on Windows 10

I’m trying to add touch control to my setup by using the iPad app OSC/Pilot. I’ve managed to connect OSC/Pilot with the cvOSCcv module if VCV is running on my macbook, but when I try the same thing on my windows PC it doesn’t work. I’ve even turned the Firewall off. I’ve tried using 7000 and 8000 as ports, tried project specific settings and global settings but nothings happening when I move the faders.

Some ideas.

missing name resolution (are you using mDNS names? abc.local / abc.lan ) does it work if you use the numeric IP-address (192.168.x.y) ?

Try another port on the receiver. ( see allready used listening ports with “netstat -ab” in an admin prompt)

Monitor OSC messages on the PC with Protokol from hexler: Protokol |

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