Can’t send cv/audio in vcv rack vst es-3/6

Hey guys,

I finally got pro yesterday and everything about it i was really happy with until i tried to send cv in and out of my es-3/6 to my hardware. I have looked at other threads on here concerning it but can’t seem to figure it out. I am on pc, have ableton, but in ableton vcv only shows up as daw and there isn’t another option to select. I figured since im using adat and not another asio device it should work completely fine? I have searched pretty much everywhere where people said the es-3/6 works fine for them but they don’t go into much detail how to set it up properly. Any help would be much appreciated as the main reason i use vcv is to have a hybrid rack and the vst version works so much much better for everythibg else within my daw. Thank you guys.


I believe you have to create a virtual audio device which aggregates your interfaces (core audio, external etc etc) into one.

On MacOS this is easy. But you can also use dedicated software for this, eg Loopback.

Set this aggregate as your i/o on your daw. Then use the corresponding channel for your vst’s like VCV. So if your ES-3/6 is for example connected to channels 3&4, you can send the audio or cv to this in your daw. The VCV vst will just stay connected to the daw.

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks for the message I appreciate it. Es-3/6 is adat and not an asio device so im no sure that would work with this unless i am wrong here.

I have an ES-9 and still have Live 11 installed on this pc, I don’t know if ASIO is mandatory on ES-3/6, but once you have set up your driver/device, just select the external device on the correct channel, here’s working

Thanks for responding. Es-3/6 is adat so i dont think it requires asio. Its already riding off the asio device its connected to. Ill give it a try but if you want to send multiple cv/audio routings from vcv back and forth from hardware to vcv, sending audio to 1 channel, do you need to open multiple instances of vcv rack to utilize multiple i/o channels if that makes sense?

it depends on the DAW.

on Reaper I can have up to 128 channels per track.
the biggest AUDIO module we have today in VCV Rack 2 is AUDIO16 (I don’t really know where the limit is) so I can manage 16 ins + 16 outs channels (of audio and/or CV) per track

on Ableton Live I managed to have only 2 channels working per track, but I’m not a Live user, maybe changing the title of the discussion brings you some help from regular users

Hmm ok. I have reaper thats what i started on but havent used it in quite some time. I may give it a try though to see if i can get it working on there. Thank you for help thus far i will give what you recommended a try in a day or two when i can actually get on the pc and have some time to play. I have read people with es-3/6 said definitely works in Ableton but they didn’t say how they set it up. Didn’t even realize you could have more than 2 channels per track in reaper

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IMAO Reaper’s signal routing is unbeatable.
it took me just few hours of practicing. bought it and never left :broccoli:

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