In Rack v2 I see that when you hover your mouse over a connection port, it will display what other module is on the other end of the cable.
Is there a way to get this same information in a module’s code? I’m thinking it would be nice to modify Little Util’s Teleport module to label the connection ports that it teleports rather than the generic “Port 1”, Port 2" etc. you have now. It could also be useful for auto-detecting a clock signal format simply by looking at name of the connected port, for example with MIDI-CV you could see the port named “CLK” or “CLK/N” and knowing just by the name of the port what kind of clock signal it is based on which port it came from.
You can get all cables from the engine. IIRC the cable info has port type and index and module (pointer or id) for each end. I’d dig more for specific pointers, but I’m away from the desk.
but unfortunately it only shows the name. if i want to locate the module in a bigger patch, where are more then one of them.
a possibility to exactly jump to the module will be cool.
Oh–sorry, I misunderstood You want a UI function to jump to a connected module? That’s a feature request to VCV - Support . FWIW I think it’s a good feature and I may add it to my unofficial (and currently unreleased) build…