I am trying to build Rack from source as per the manual.
All of the commands are run in an x86 shell.
I installed the dependencies brew install git wget cmake autoconf automake libtool jq python with a separate x86 homebrew at location /usr/local/homebrew
(sorry for the screenshot I don’t know a good way to paste the terminal output)
It looks like the problem is make is trying to build glew with c++, which on osx is clang, and the linker can’t find a library. I found this article, which suggested I set an environment variable LDFLAGS=-L/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib. The above command was run with this environment variable set.
From the c++ command run by make it doesn’t look like this flag was added, and it wouldn’t matter if it did because /Library/.../usr/lib doesnt even have a file lstdc++
So I’m pretty new to VCV, but I’m an old coder and pretty interested in seeing how much more efficient VCV can get when native - Is @heapdump 's github the current bleeding edge?
Oh, yes, I think you are correct on both counts. I think Patrick posted a bunch of data on some other thread in the past. But it sounds like probably found all there is to find.