Breath, as in the verb. A Stålenhag like world using VCV

On Sat I launched a new vid trilogy on YT in which part 2 was done entirely on VCV Rack 2. It was an interesting challenge as it was a live take of a patch and being a musician I had never really played a modular patch via a MIDI controller (CME 3xBitstream).

The patch consists of Tablas (6 loops), Binaural audio of a firework display Paulstretched and fed into Resonators and Binaural audio of seasurf from the footage.

I’m collating the patch info and audio to make it available to other VCV users. Nearly there. I’ll post with the same title as soon as I have it ready.

In the meantime, please come and say hello and give it a like. It makes a huge difference.


Nice one, i tried some manipulation of field recording still trying to get piece i am happy with

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That’s right, it always makes a difference. I find the tablas very impressive, and the video reminded me of a journey we took from Maastricht to Amsterdam. I look forward to your patch. Thank you!

Great video, I really enjoyed the visual elements of that too. Were the resonators Rings by the way? I use that a lot as an audio effect, but I don’t often see other people using the audio input. It’s usually the classic ‘Rings into Clouds’ sound, which is a bit of a cliche now.

Ah, just after typing that I read the description! I’ve given it a like and comment on YouTube. :+1:

P.S. I don’t like to be pedantic but the verb would be breathe, with an e at the end. Also a classic Pink Floyd track from Dark Side of the Moon :wink:

ha, thanks for the correction. Appreciated, too late, I’ll have to live with the shame. At least I can’t be sued by Pink Floyd :wink:

The resonator was indeed the Audible Instruments “Resonator”. A great module for sure.

Thank you. I visited Maastricht some years ago and loved the city, really beautiful and the architecture was just wow!

Its hard to work with field recordings sometimes. Breath started out with me experimenting feeding fireworks into a hardware version of MI Elements. When VCV came about and Audible instruments was released it gave me the chance to explore that.

The tablas was an impro one afternon with Elements and I decided to record some bits as loops.

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Just an update. You can get the patch and audio assets from here:

I hope you enjoy. If you like it a “like” or subscribe never goes amiss :wink: