Hello all! I thought I’d mention this upcoming experimental daw to this forum. If you have not heard of this or seen any beta videos, I think this daw appears to be a game changer in the playing in vcv → finishing projects workflow. All in all super worth checking out.
here are some key features for me and vcv:
It abandons the concepts of a traditional daw in favor of a more flexible understanding of organizing sounds.
upon opening a project, the user can choose to have a global clock, or not, or multiple that overlap.
it treats plugins and effect as “baked” instantial and momentary effects per audio lane, instead of simulating every playback, allowing low CPU use. From all I’ve seen the daw will be a very light CPU whise.
the daw has a rolling buffer, where you could record audio from a source, and chop it, and drop it into the daw.
all this to say, my and probably others annoyances with the workflow of making a patch, matching tempo sync, using two programs at the same time (vcv and daw) and still staying creative and moving projects along in a workflow that doesn’t drain the energy and speed of making things could be a thing of the past. ( I can imagine this beautiful world where you could perform the patch in pieces, then bounce the audio out of a good take, building a song part by part. All on one computer.)
the daw seems a useful and experimental thought exercise to many others who follow along with the creation of the daw, but for me and other vcv users, I think some of its core features seem like they could change everything about the way we use vcv and daws. I know it will for me.
I thought I’d mention it, and share the stoke.