Blippoo Box by Rob Hordijk

Yeah, mentioning that would improve its integrity. We could politely point this out to the developer?

Do you know how far it goes into audio rate? I guess not as much as with our emulations, but I will check!

crashes Rack on add, on Mac arm64 at least… Just filed an issue on his github

It looks more like a Serge SSG inspired module to me : Serge Modular - Smooth and Stepped Generator (SSG) – Patch Point

I was super happy to see this whole Serge inspired collection but I’ve had a lot of crashes…

I don’t see that at all. Core to the functionality of the Digital Chaotic System (DCS) are an 8 step shift register with XOR feedback, and a 3 bit digital to analog converter, both of which are core to the Benjolin. As far as I can tell, the Smooth Stepped Generator has neither.

The DCS also has two VCOs (slow LFO to audio rates), each with inherent triangle and square wave outputs. I believe the SSG can generate both square and triangle outputs, but I don’t think it has two free running VCOs with both outputs simultaneously. (I really don’t understand the SSG)

Both VCOs go over 16 kHz

This is one of an interesting series of plugins, recently introduced under the name Patchable Devices.

There’s a wild State Variable Filter too…with a Ping input…but pretty hard too tame Resonance…

Well, I don’t have an oversampled stand-alone S&H yet… But my new Venom v2.6 beta has a new Benjolin Oscillator that includes an oversampled Rungler - and it definitely makes a positive difference at high Rungler clock rates! The oscillator includes everything a Benjolin needs except for the resonant filter.


The newest Venom 2.6 beta now includes a Venom S&H with oversampling options!


Here is a link to my updated Blippoo Box using my oversampled Venom Poly Sample & Hold Analog Shift Register.


I’m new to VCV Rack and have never used modular hardware. I love these devices and want to add a CC send device so I can control them with my MIDI Fighter Twister in Bitwig. Any pointers on how to get this set up is greatly appreciated and thanks so much for these wonderful instruments!


You can control parameters externally with modules like midi-map (VCV Fundamental) or CV (Stoermelder)

These modules can convert midi CC to CV.

In my most recent version, I’ve created a controller in the patch with the patchmaster (Mindmeld) modules.

These are mapped to the actual patch. When using an external midi controller, I then simply map it to the patchmaster interface. The benefit of this step inbetween is that the patchmaster gives you visual feedback on the controller.

Considering Bitwig or any other DAW, you need to have VCV Pro, with which you can run VCV as a plugin (VST, AU, CLAP etc) inside a DAW. The free version cannot run like this. But you can connect a midi controller to the stand alone version as well, using the above modules.

Hope this helps!

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and this

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Wow, thank you so much for this! I’ll be working on this today. I do have VCV Pro, though I think I’ll try to get it working in standalone first.

I assume your latest that you are referring to is " ROB HORDIJK_BENJOLIN_2.vcv" ?

Really appreciate the help. Plenty to discover now… :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link!

I will post my most recent patch tonight, when I am at my computer. Mind you all patches include some premium modules.

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So glad. Good to know about the premium modules. I’m willing to pay for the modules I need to make this work! Appreciate the heads up on it though. Thanks again!

I have a few (hopefully easy) questions.

I couldn’t get the MIDI-CC (+CV) module to work but the MIDI-Map module does, but…

If I use the Core Module MIDI-Map, I can map my MIDI Fighter Twister to the Motion MTR controls but Randomize in the Flow module doesn’t move the controls any more. If I map in Bitwig, I can map the controls via macros and all works fine. Is there a way to map an external controller to the Motion MTR module without disabling the Randomize in Flow?

I’m not able to get the HOST-FX to work either. I have the send turned up all the way but there is no effect applied to the sound.

Thanks for your help and sorry if these questions are too rudimentary.

Maybe post a screenshot of your patch.

Recommend watching this video by Omri Cohen for some basic vcv in bitwig tips and tricks.

for basic vcv-host effects, add “VCV Rack 2 FX” in bitwig and make a patch:

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Sounds perfect for what I’m trying to figure out. Many thanks!

Attached you will find my most recent version of the Blippoo Box.

BLiPPOO_BOX_060624.vcv (12.6 KB)

A lot of things are changed:

A lot of modules got replaced by the fantastic Venom Collection by @DaveVenom (He also has a Benjolin module - which you definitely should try out!) The oscillators are swapped for the PALM LOOP oscillators: they are very stable, hardly alliassing and have a huge range. The CF100 by @andy-cytomic are still my go-to filters for the TwinPeak. They just sound amazing, and with the LP2 self-modulation, it gets into the evenharmonic distortion territory Rob Hordijk describes in his papers. I removed the noise/instability section. It became a bit of a puritan thing, just for the sake of it and in the end I wasn’t really able to hear it. Because of the external CV in, I left it out of the patch; feel free to add noise or any slight instability into the modulations of course.

There is a quadrophonic panning added! I did this recently when performing live with the patch, and it really is an exciting addition. The runglers control the pannings, so it is really integrated into the patch. You can easily switch it on|off (MONO <> STEREO) The quad panning is also encoded (QUARK) into a stereo signal, in case you do not have 4 separate speakers etc. This stereo signal is routed to the Audio Module Channel 1&2. The same for the mono signal. The dedicated Quadrophonic outputs are now routed to Channel 5,6,7& 8. But of course you can redesign this, depending on your interface etc.

The midi cat module is already mapped to the Patchmaster modules, so just select your controller inside this module and you’re good to go. You can still control the patch with a mouse as well.

I removed the Randomize button. It is fun, but I wanted to have an instrument to perform with and learn the controller: the randomizer was too easy :sweat_smile: so I forced myself and deleted it from the patch. Feel free ofcourse to try and get it back. It is a bit of a hassle to get it implemented AND have external midi control.

I also removed the Post FX section. I am able to run this patch inside a DAW and I add post FX (like room/delay etc) there, so the patch is just the Blippoo Box.

Concerning midi control: when you use a regular 8 bit controller, the CV gets quantized into 128 steps. Because of the huge range of the oscillators, you can hear it when you turn the oscillator knobs. But since the Blippoo Box is pretty chaotic, I do not think it is unacceptable. A way around it is to have 14-bit controllers. This will increase the resolution of your controller big time.

Feel free to ask if something is not clear! Have fun with it.


Thank you so much and also thanks for the clear notes!! I was using the randomizer a lot and finding it really great for starting points in the patch, but you are right that I do want to get to know the instrument well so I don’t rely on that. I’ll be spending this week and probably next week trying to come to terms with it and possibly use it for live jams. So appreciate your efforts and looking forward to the benjolin stuff as well.