I’ve been trying to find the answer to this - but am new to VCV/Bitwig - so I don’t know if it’s a fault of the software or bad config. /ignorance on my part. Simply - I am trying to use multiple piano roll midi sequences within bitwig- and have them converted using MIDI-CV module on VCV and an ES-9 audio interface to route the CV to 1v/oct inputs on Eurorack oscillators. I am also doing the same with virtual VCA/envs and sending them out via ES-9.
This works fine - on one instrument channel of Bitwig. But I get into bother when I try to add more than one midi / instrument channel and use VCV rack.
If I try to make multiple midi channels - When I open a new midi instrument channel on bitwig - it forces me to load a new instance of VCV - which it lets me do - It sees the notes (when midi-cv is set to ALL Channels) but I can only assign / utilise one instance of the audio 16 modules with coreaudio/es-9 as the driver - so it won’t actually play more than one instrument channel/VCV at a time.
I should say I am selecting DAW in VCV for Midi-CV module (Bitwig audio interface is set to ES-9) but I need to set AUDIO 16 to driver: Coreaudio - device - ES-9 or I don’t get any sound.
Thanks kindly for your much needed urgent help!