Binaural panning

I recently saw an online Binaural audio play online. That got me interested. A little bit of internet investigation and I found a way to implement this in VCV Rack. First, go to

and download the Ambeo Orbit plugin. It’s free.

In VCV Rack, install the plugin into VCV Host FX module. For the first jack, select the Azimuth control. Connect a VCV LFO sine wave out to the jack. Set a low frequency on the LFO. Take a mono audio source and plug it in to the Left/Mono jack. Take the stereo outs of Host FX and connect to a mixer of your choice. Hard pan the left input to the left, and hard pan the right input to the right. Now the LFO will slowly pan the input around your head, back and forth. YOU MUST USE HEADPHONES! You can open the plugin from Host FX and just set the parameters you want for that sound. So static or automated, Binaural audio is easy and free, if you have the VCV Host FX module.


Demo, please. Merci :slightly_smiling_face:

What form? This requires a paid for module. But if you have it, just hook it up as described after downloading the Ambeo plugin.

Hers’s an audio file using VCV Rack and Ambeo plugin for Binaural audio Efx.

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The binaural panner in Logic is very similar to the Ambeo Orbit plugin. But the Logic panner has distance and the Ambeo does not. Distance adjusts the sound level - far away is quieter than close up. Ambeo assumes you use the volume setting in the channel strip to set “distance”. Binaural is not Quad. It has only two outputs, and Quad has four. But Binaural has a definite Quad feel as you move a sound around space. But it requires headphones to get the total effect. Using the VCV Host FX module, you can put the Ambeo plugin into your VCV Rack environment and use it to pan your audio in 3D space. Plus you can animate the motion using CV. The video you posted is using Quad mixers and panners. These need four audio channels out to speakers, but they don’t require headphones. Real Quad versus simulated Quad in Binaural.


Very interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

I figured out an alternative (free) method for creating binaural sound in Rack. It doesn’t easily allow for dynamic panning, but it sounds great:

Use NYSTHI Convolvzilla with binaural impulse responses. (I make sure to set it to 100% wet, no predelay or early reflections.)

You can find some binaural impulse responses on this website:

A separate instance of Convolvzilla would be necessary for each ‘position’ that you want sound to come from–just load it with the appropriate impulse response. The content from that website is kind of difficult to figure out, unfortunately–the files have a weird naming convention and they come in very large packages.


Thanks, this was helpful. I figured this dataset of impulse responses that I came across might come in handy for anyone who decides to try this out.