Basic Wavetables

I need theese wavetables:

  • Square PWM (analog version)
  • Triangle (saw to tri to ramp) (analog version)
  • Sin (saw to sin to ramp) (both analog and digital version)

Do someone know where to download them? I’m searching a lot but it’s really difficult to find them between no-end wavetables packs with the only compless ones.

Maybe this helps? Create what you need.


Just to add on what Jeroen said - if you look here which is the online version there’s a catalog and a link to download all.

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Yes i saw it, but how do I find the ones I’m looking for? I realy don’t know. Do you know how can I do?

If I can make it work this could be the perfect solution, I’ll bring you news about it.

In the middle section you see tabs CLEAR DIGITAL ANALOG.

Press Digital or Analog and you can choose basic waveforms. Than bake that fil into a WAV and done.

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Is this still about your quest to simulate a Moog-1 VCO? There sure have been a lot of posts about that…

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I made as you said but It doesn’t bake it. Do I have to fill each of the 63 spot with every single cjange of the wavetable? beacause I don’t know ho to do this

you can copy the file to the spots and then save the table.

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yes but in this way I can only obtain a wavetable that’s equal in each points. how can I create a wavetable in witch a square wave does a complete Pwm? and a saw that can do the same?

Vital, an excellent free wavetable synth, comes with some wavetables that might suit your needs. I have one loaded up right now that does a complete pulse width modulation sweep. Plus it has a wavetable editor that you can use to modify existing tables or create your own from scratch. Echo Sound Works also has some really nice wavetables in their Core Tables collection. There are some nice Moogy saws and other things you might enjoy.


I already have vital and you are right that it is a great tool. The problem is that I only know the basic functions of the wavetable editor. I don’t really know what to do. I have tried to watch a lot of tutorials but none talk about what I would need.

Video by Andrew Belt, author of WaveEditor and VCV Rack


I have tried for a long time to program them with your advice but it is really a difficult task and I am not capable of it. nobody knows where to find already made wavetables that behave as I asked at the beginning of the topic?

Did you ever find a solution?

A wave table by itself is a static thing. Since we’re in a completely digital domain within Rack, there’s technically no such thing as an analog wavetable.

If I read the question correctly, what you’re looking for is not a wavetable, but an oscillator that can modulate a square wave with PWM, modulate between Saw and Triangle, and modulate a Saw to Sin. There are various oscillators in Rack that can do this.

I don’t know what distinguishes a Saw from a Ramp for you – they’re the same shape.

I suppose you may be asking for a wavetable that is a snapshot of a modulation sweep from a to b of such an oscillator. If so, you can set up a patch to do such a sweep record it to sample and save it. Then you can load that wave table into a wavetable oscillator and have fun from there.

Or, I may be completely misunderstanding ;-/

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