Audio Output in Version 2.0.5


only “free”

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I found this issue as well and reported it VCV alongside with a possible fix. As workaround, in Linux, I had to open the Jack device at 44.1 KHz.

Why is this not a parameter in the settings.json? Something like startupAudioDriver, startupAudioDevice, startupSampleRate, startupBufferSize, along with userFolderRack, userFolderRackVST and other things?

But thanks for reporting this, I am still on 2.0.4 and won’t update to 2.0.5 as I am using 48kHz by default on my Audio Device.

@PaulPiko @Jens.Peter.Nielsen

@netboy3’s solution is the right one. Andrew has given that advice himself.

go back to 2.0.4 ?

No as in that’s how to download older versions.

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see also: Audio-8 crash when changing sample rate - #18 by Kabelix

Answer from VCV: Thanks for the bug report, and sorry you’re experiencing this issue! This is a known bug and we are hoping to fix it soon.

So theyre on it, which is good :wink:

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Thanks. Good advice. I’m using Ubuntu Studio with Jack, and Rack Pro 2.0.5 “broke” audio on me, too.

  • Went to Studio Controls–>JACK Master Settings and set the JACK Sample Rate to 44100 and JACK Buffer Size to 256.
  • Restarted JACK
  • Restarted Carla
  • Re-selected the Audio device, and I’m up and running.

Oddly, the VCV Rack box in the Carla patch bay now lists both “outport 0” and “outport 1” twice, which I never saw before.

So we really won’t be able to change the sample rate and buffer size when using JACK anymore?

Just received another message from vcv as answer to my bug report:

We have done work around this issue in the next release of Rack, which will be out shortly. We hope this fixes the issue you were having.

For me, 2.0.6 fixes this problem completely! Good job VCV, thank you!