Audible Instruments Texture Synthesizer: Do the memory slots not work in Clouds?

I just watched a DivKid video about Clouds and he covered the memory slots. I always wondered what that button was for that doesn’t seem to do anything in Rack. Was this feature not included in the software version? And is there no way to save the buffers? Presets don’t seem to.

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No, the memory banks aren’t implemented. They will work in the upcoming Grayscale Supercell port and might be ported back to the Audible Instruments version. Supercell is much easier to use though, while the UI in the Clouds port has many functions controlled by the two buttons.


That sounds really interesting, haven’t seen it before but it looks like a beast.
Thanks for the info anyway.

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is supercell coming to vcv rack?
excited if so!