Aria's thread of barely working betas and bug squashing: Psychopump (in library soon)

I haven’t played with Psychopump yet but I love @Aria_Salvatrice’s transparency here! I’m not talking about UI transparency :smiley: but rather about sharing all the thoughts, ideas, brainstormings that go into the process of coming up with new tools. I’m not a dev myself but I’ve been reading this with interest, and I’m sure it can be useful and inspiring to other developers. Great work Aria.


Thank you, I appreciate the enthusiasm for my artistic process of “make up shit as you go along and seek constant reassurance you haven’t gone insane yet”.


Really hope you didn’t think I was joking on this one. Pushing things is the easiest way to know if they break anyway. Every feature is ready, including saving handy labels on the LCD so you can remember which knob does what. But I axed the idea of letting you copy-paste channels - it’d take forever to implement and nobody would use it.

I should have the manual finished by the time it hits the library.


Legendary :clap:


I played with it for a while and I can’t break it! Flawless work as always. This is exactly the module I’ve wanted for a while. Amazing work, Aria. :purple_heart:

Excuse me, I have to go and continue discovering it. :smiley:


And the docs are up now, with all sorts of hot info


Hey, Aria, I’m missing the 1 and 2 routing buttons next to the mute and solo, is that a bug, or is something wrong on my end? (running v1.1.6 on Linux and using your latest build)

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If you’ve got the illustration you should have the final code… It’s likely I made a mistake with filename case sensitivity.

The four files at res/components/psychopump-out1-off.svg should have the word out in uppercase, such as res/components/psychopump-OUT1-off.svg.

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Yes I have them in lowercase.

Confirmed. They work when I changed the word out to OUT in the 4 files.


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Thanks for the report, pushed a quick emergency fix, the bug will never make it to the library.

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Yes! It works like a charm. Amazing work!

The more I use it the more I love it! Also, beautiful manual as always (the tips are cool :smiley:) You’re amazing :purple_heart:

This is great! Thanks Aria.

I had fun playing with this patch via my APC mini! Everything seemed to work as expected. Great job on the module.