Aria Salvatrice Signature Series 1.3.0 BETA 2: Arcane, Atout & Aleister - Today's Fortune ★

I’ve been messing about with Darius for a couple of days and I’m enjoying it. However. CV controls for the route knobs would allow for some compositional subtlety. I’m using a shift register and a comparator so that a note is only played when consecutive notes are different. If I have the top row set mostly the same and the bottom row set all different it would be great to gradually shift the positions of the direction knobs. Thanks.

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I didn’t expect the module to have such a positive reaction (it went from a stray private conversation with a friend who’s also into synths & arcade games to submitted release in like 24 hours lol) so I kept it intentionally as simple as possible, since devices like 8FACE and CV-MAP can add bank switching and knob control.

I’m not opposed to adding features but I’d like to keep it a simple module you pop on a whim and figure out without reading the docs. Maybe I should consider an expander / advanced version?

It would definately increase the complexity of the module. I managed to achieve what I was setting out to do with Stoermelder CV-Map but part of me always thinks that it’s (kind of) cheating. It’s a lot of cabling, too.

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You could always do a Darius Pro. Then you can charge a few bucks for it because it says Pro in the title. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

What might be cool in a Pro version? Positive/negative voltages (as an add’l option - maybe a few +/- voltage modes in the menu) would be nice. On/off for each step with a probability knob would be cool for a kind of built-in Bernouli gate thing. That, along with a global gate output for triggering envelopes. A built in quantizer with some scales would be neat but not entirely necessary. A global transpose with a CV input (if there were a quantizer built-in with scales, this could transpose the root note). Seriously, I’d pay for that.

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Going paid isn’t planned anytime soon given that a few weeks ago I had zero C++ experience, haha. I don’t want to be responsible for support when things break horribly.

I’ll definitely keep in mind the possibility to make a more featured version eventually, but I want to keep the existing one as simple as possible, I’d rather keep it as an intentionally limited thing that spurs creative usage.

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This looks great. An inbuilt range setting would be handy.

It might be worth looking at Qu-bit Bloom if you want some more inspiration. It uses what they call a Trunk and Branches

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I would also vote for a little bit more comfort on the module :wink:

maybe it could be like in the bogaudio modules,
where we can choose the range of the modules in the right click menue ( see ADDR-SEQ)

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I think it’s probably best to leave the original module as-is (maybe add -10V~0V, -5V~5V, 0-10V selection) so it can remain a simple opinionated beginner-friendly module for playful experimentation, and figure out where to evolve the idea from here.

A few things to consider:

  • Adding more stuff to the existing 32hp faceplate is basically impossible, so it’d be a separate module no matter what
  • Going past 8 steps would mean too big a possibility space to program manually, and if randomized it’d just sound… random, without discernible repeating patterns (8 steps = 36 nodes, 16 steps = 136 nodes, 16 steps = 528 nodes)
  • Other network shapes are possible
  • So far none of the suggested features are impossible to achieve right now with reasonably straightforward patching, and my C++ skills are still limited, so no rushing to get it done ASAP.
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Dumping thoughts about this on Github, but feel free to reply here if you have no account.


Aria, your sequencer is one of the most inspiring module I had the chance to try! I just spend like 2 hours on a 5 notes sequences! So groovy GUI as well! Little feature suggestion: it would be nice to have some brench of different length. something like ctrl+click on a knob to turn it into a reset point, (and display it lighter or something)

Thank you for this amazing sequencer!

PS: to fix the negative voltage request: a simple thing we found for geodesics is just to have the knob at center default position, it doesn’t changes knob values, but people start with a note on the center of the range, they can go higher or lower if they feel like so

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I’ve been kind of doing what pyer requested by modulating the ‘steps’ knob with uMap and a S&H so some sort of input there that I can plug in a modulation sources would be awesome.

Also thanks for such an inspiring sequencer, and for keeping it simple for the modular environment.

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On the branch length you could just sum some trigger outs (pink ports) an send to the Reset… :wink:


of course! thank you :smiley:

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Yeah, so far I think there’s a viable (but sometimes annoying) workaround to everything people have requested, so I’m hesitant to just go ahead and add lots of features everywhere.

I feel that neglecting the philosophy of making small powerful tools that play nice together in favor of monolithic tools that do everything poorly really ruined my previous music environment of choice, Reason, where it seems every single new synth released has a mediocre effects section for that instant gratification factor, despite the enviornment having fantastic standalone effects.

Anyway, I’m gonna wait a little bit and think about it, I have a bunch more modules in mind I want to do before I revisit this one.


Might be a good thing to have that Reset Polyphonic. As you already have poly mergers / splitters these will come into play for the purpose of resetting the branch length.

My suggestion, Aria, is stick to your original concept and let the rest of us ’bend and ‘break’ your ‘rules’. They’re great modules. The work around is part of the fun and what modular synthesis was originally all about.


Same method used here. Those Stoermelder modules are the shiznitz. :slight_smile:

@Aria_Salvatrice Just keep doing what you like with the design, I enjoy your style and I look forward to whatever you come up with. Play on !

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Thanks for the nice comments and the great reception for the module. Feels nice to see it pop up everywhere.

For now I’m in “wait and see” mode. I have like 9 modules planned in 3 separate series before I think of revisiting it, anyway. Darius having been well received is encouraging me to try out a very unusual idea next. I don’t want to explain it before it’s done but I hope people will like it.


Before I invest too much time into an idea, mind helping me out? I want to check that something doesn’t look too nasty on other platforms (as I absolutely do not trust NanoSVG on that front, lol)

I need a screencap of my blank plate on Linux and OS X, preferably high dpi and standard dpi for both, at 100% zoom, with the plugins-v1/AriaSalvatrice/res/Blank.svg faceplate replaced with the following test graphic:

Thanks if you can help!

My first whack at Darius. I use 2 Darius, but also use Signal delays to turn those 2 voices into 4. Is the plural of Darius Darii?

I think Darius does quantize before sending CV, and I’d love there to be an option to NOT quantize as well, because (as in this patch) I use a polyphonic quantizer (ML Quantum) with a Stoermelder 8Face in order to step through different scale presets.

2020-02-22-Darius.vcv (72.8 KB)