Announcing wiqid anomalies

they are about ±5v by default. if you need it at 0-10v then pipe the signal thru the dual attenuverter (2at) and add +5v.

You’re right. Thanks!

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nothing is wrong. except maybe with your patience… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: put a minmax from jw modules on it, at the slowest time, and you’ll see it does move. it’s just intended to move at a glacial pace.


I think ReScale from AS can do that too, try it :slight_smile:

I will. Thanks.

version 1.1.0 is ready for release and waiting to be included in the plugin library

i’ve added a full scope black edition, which can be seen in action here:

stats can be toggled from the right-clock menu

thanks to @jeremy for the original full scope!