It has come to Rack!
Ah thanks Dave, hadn’t seen that! Really impressed by the demos of the hardware module.
Hmm wait. i did check just now - (did set CV 1 for bandwidth in DigiPCM algo and save in this condition in StudioOne project) - this is reopen with correct displaying CV1 (for bandwidth). Or what you mean ? Maybe talk about that it show CV1 but sounds as selected 6khz (what not should be ?).
Upd: And checked save in standalone VCV too - the same load CV1 ok.
For me, both the display and functionality are not maintained after saving and opening a patch again. The display reverts to 6kHz, and the CV input doesn’t do anything although I previously set it to CV1 for example. I sent a video of this to ALM support months ago showing exactly what happens, still not fixed.
I just tried it and I’m seeing it revert to 6kHz too. Latest rack and modules, Win 10 Pro
Ok guys i made short video as proof that CV1 saveable \ opens ok for me (with no revert to 6khz):
If need to check \ demonstrate it in some other way, just say, i will do.
Win10 22H2 here
I couldn’t help myself even though I absolutely should’ve waited. It seems to work okay for the most part, although the Axon expanders don’t work yet (meaning menu diving for everything.) Certainly sounds good, though.
From what I’ve seen so far with the MCO MkII - I very much prefer its way of controlling parameters in comparison to the PamProW which unfortunately confuses me every time I interact with it (both hardware and software). It would be great if the MCO’s parameter control system could be implemented in an update to the PamProW (hardware and software).
Hmm, thanks everyone. I might just buy it anyway but it’s disappointing if the expanders don’t work.
@octex912 thanks for posting that, it’s interesting that you don’t experience the same behaviour.
Oh wait, i finally could repro of similar issue. (In my case it was “Time” parameter, in the same default algo).
First time i found incosistense when tried to save\load my MFX chain as “Save selection as” instead usual saving whole project in DAW. (But later seems with DAW project case too, unfortunately. But i’m still unsure, need confirm again)
Chain was simple, 3 module - LFO route to CV1 input for modulate “time” > Audio output. And after reload this selection, i did hear other sound, and found that Time section shows “0ms” instead “CV1”.
Then i re-save all again (even seems couple times, after “wrong” reopens) and viola - all become to show\sounds as need, with CV1 etc properly. With constantly correct re-loading, what important.
So, problem exists hovewer. But it seems that exists some uncathed yet pattern, that can helps to avoid this issue. Seems remains only to hope that this is not random pattern, what would be worse (for dev for fixing too).
Damn, ok will keep in mind. If will able to detect more, i’ll report.
UPD Preliminary, i could assume that this matter of engagement CV inputs, and perhaps in what sequence (relatively to our assigns inside MFX menu) . But this is not sure.
Thanks for testing again @octex912. I’ll report it to their support. Again
Update: I gave in and bought MCO mk2 anyway! It seems to work slightly better than MFX, although it has exhibited some strange behaviour. Sometimes the encoder does absolutely nothing unless the v/oct input is connected, and it’s bombed rack a few times. Sounds are great though.
the vocoder adds something new to the sonic palette of VCV Rack. Will be even better once the Axon 2 works with the MCO Mk2.
Looks like something broke with today’s update with PAM. It’s difficult to change to param types or values. Previously long press was used to edit values but this is not working for parameter values anymore.
I did check update now - works ok here (in v252 at least). But perhaps you right about “long press” method (frankly i not remember already how it was before) - but now all switching along branch occurs via single click (instead long press). Seems pretty convenience, no ?
Seems ok. Re-tried last night and things were working as before.
Apologies if this is the wrong thread, but Pamela’s Workout crashes whenever it tries to load with a default preset from a previous plugin version. I’ve attached the log snippet below:
Deleting the default preset from the files seems to have fixed the issue, but I figured I’d report it nonetheless.
Hi there, i have the same problem. But i am not sure where to locate this default preset. Could you tell me where i might find it? Thank you in advance.
Go to Help, Open user folder and there you’ll find the file template.vcv
Thank you very much